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《俱舍論》「界品」導讀 |
釋法光 |
2004 |
Abhidharma and Upadeśa |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2005.08 |
Abhidharma Debates on the Nature of the Objects of Sensory Perception |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2012 |
Abhidharma Doctrines and Controversy on Perception |
Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti |
2007 |
Ākāra and Direct Perception |
K. L. Dhammajoti=法光 |
仏教研究=Buddhist Studies |
2007.03.30 |
Ākāra and Direct Perception (Pratyakṣa) |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
2007 |
Buddhist Meditative Praxis: Traditional Teachings and Modern Applications |
Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti |
2015.05 |
Chinese Versions of the Dharmapada |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Ananda: Papers on Buddhism and Indology a Felicitation Volume Presented to Ananda Weihena Palliya Guruge on his Sixtieth Birthday |
1990 |
Conflict Resolution in Multi-cultural Societies: Adopting Western Approach to Enhance the Buddhist Perspective |
釋法光=K. L. Dhammajoti |
禪與人類文明研究=International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization |
2020.12.01 |
Entrance into the Supreme Doctrine |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
2008.06 |
Exposition on the Elements (Dhātunirdeśa) Chapter I of Abhidharmakośabhāṣya – Part III |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2021 |
Exposition on the elements (Dhātunirdeśa) Chapter I of the Abhidharmakośa – Part I |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2018 |
Exposition on the Elements (Dhātunirdeśa): Chapter I of the Abhidharmakośa – Part II |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2019 |
Exposition on the Elements (Dhātunirdeśa): Chapter I of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya – Part IV |
K. L. Dhammajoti (著) |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2022 |
Fa Ju Jing, the oldest Chinese version of the Dharmapada: some remarks on the language and sect-affiliation of its original |
K. L. Dhammajoti=法光 |
仏教研究=Buddhist Studies |
2009.03.20 |
From Abhidharma to Mahāyāna: Remarks on the early Abhidharma doctrine of the three yāna-s |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2011 |
Impact of Buddhist Culture on Sri Lanka: Past and Present |
Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti=釋法光 |
世界佛教論壇論文集(第2屆) |
2009.03.28 |
Kleśaprahāṇa, Pratyakṣa and Discriminative Discernment Sarvāstivāda Doctrines and Later Yogācāra Discussion |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2016 |
Logic in the Abhidharma-mahāvibhāṣā |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2004.01 |
Meditative Experiences of Impurity and Purity—Further Reflection on the aśubhā Meditation and the śubha-vimokṣa |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Religions |
2021.02 |
Prajñā-vimukta, ubhayatobhāga-vimukta and vimokṣāvaraṇa : The Sarvāstivāda perspective |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Buddhist Meditative Praxis: traditional teachings & modern applications |
2015.05 |
Recent Researches in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honour of Professor Y. Karunadasa |
Abhayawansa, Kapila ; Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti ; Tilakaratne, Asanga |
1997 |
Saṃvara, avijñapti and karmic retribution |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2020 |
Sarvastivada Abhidharma |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
2007.09 |
Sarvāstivāda, Dārṣṭāntika, Sautrāntika and Yogācāra – Some Reflections on Theri Interrelation |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2006 |
Some Remarks on the Sūtra Origins and Development of the Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma |
K. L. Dhammajoti (著) |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2022 |
Śrīlāta's Anudhātu Doctrine |
K. L. Dhammajoti=法光 |
仏教研究=Buddhist Studies |
2011.03.30 |
Svartha and Parartha:The Unity of the Arhat and Bodhisattva Ideals |
Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti=釋法光 |
1991年佛學研究論文集-融合 |
1992.09 |
The Abhidharma Controversy on Visual Perception |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Recent Researches in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honour of Professor Y. Karunadasa |
1997 |
The Apramāṇa Meditation in the Sarvāstivāda With Special Reference to Maitrī-bhāvanā |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2010 |
The aśubhā Meditation in the Sarvāstivāda |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2009 |
The Āveṇikī Avidyā in the Sarvāstivāda School |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS |
2009 |
The Citta-caitta Doctrine of Śrīlāta |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2007 |
The Defects in the Arhat's Enlightenment-His Aklista-ajnana and Vasana- |
K. Dhammajoti |
仏教研究=Buddhist Studies |
1998.03.30 |
The Karmic Role of the Avijñapti in Sarvātivāda |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
仏教研究=Buddhist Studies |
2003.03.30 |
The nirvedhabhāgīya-s as preparation for the realization of Truth: The Abhidharma and early Yogācāra perspectives |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2014-2015 |
The Sarvāstivāda Doctrine of Simultaneous Causality |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2003.05 |
The Sixteen-mode Mindfulness of Breathing |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2008 |
Yogācāra Refutation of Tritemporal Existence |
K. L. Dhammajoti |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2017 |
大勇阿闍黎圓寂之詳訊(法尊密嚴的兩封信) |
法尊 ; 密悟 ; 釋法光 ; 密嚴 ; 密哞 ; 法如 |
海潮音=Hai Ch'ao Yin |
1930.01 |
大眾年話 |
大醒 ; 法性 ; 塊然 ; 圓覺 ; 釋慈舟 ; 釋法光 |
覺津雜志 |
1937.02 |
巴利語、漢譯《傳(七)車經》比較研究=The Comparative Study of the Rathavinitasuttam According to Pali and Chinese Texts |
釋法光=Shih, Fa-guang |
2005.01.01 |
四川佛教會禪盦等致本會導師函 |
禪盦 ; 聖欽 ; 昌圓 ; 本智 ; 釋法光 ; 戒明 |
正信 |
1935.07 |
尼僧成立平民學校 |
釋法光 ; 慧安 ; 緒真 ; 發祥 ; 宗祥 ; 清悟 |
佛寶旬刊 |
1928.12 |
佛教支會呈省抗敵後援會文 |
昌圓 ; 釋法光 ; 宗鏡 ; 智光 ; 定超 ; 廣澈 |
四川佛教月刊 |
1937.11 |
佛教何以與儒道並列而三 |
釋法光 |
安徽大學學報 (哲學社會科學版)=Journal of Anhui University |
2004 |
佛教與人類所面臨的雙重挑戰=Buddhism and the Two-fold Challenges of the Human Being |
釋法光=Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti ; 賴寧欣 ; 釋滿和 |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2010.07 |
空林佛學院牌告 |
釋法光 |
四川佛教月刊 |
1939.04 |
阿毗達磨:起源、意義與功能=Abhidharma - Its Origin, Meaning and Function |
法光=K. L. Dhammajoti ; 譚凌峰 |
佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2019 |
阿毗達磨師:立場、範疇與方法論=The ābhidharmika (/ābhidhārmika)——Standpoint,Scope and Methodology |
釋法光=K. L. Dhammajoti ; 譚凌峰 |
佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2020 |
現代亞洲佛教之西方化--針對一些消極面之檢討 |
釋淨因 ; 釋法光 |
法音=The Voice of Dharma |
1992 |
部派佛教哲學精義 -- 《入阿毗達磨論》導讀 |
釋法光 |
斯里蘭卡的僧伽教育 |
釋法光 |
法音=The Voice of Dharma |
1990 |
經量部要義 |
釋法光 |
2005 |
綿竹縣祥符寺今秋傳戒 |
釋法光 ; 能講 |
四川佛教月刊 |
1939.04 |
線竹縣祥符寺今秋傳戒啟事 |
能海 ; 釋法光 ; 慧如 |
淨宗隨刊 |
觀音靈感記 |
釋法光 |
佛學半月刊 |
1938.08 |