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格魯派《現觀莊嚴論》注解的傳承與創新 : 從「彌勒是佛或菩薩之諍」的溯源觀察=Tracing the Source of the Dispute Whether Maitreya is a Buddha or a Bodhisattva : An Observation on Tradition and Innovation in the Gelug Commentaries on the Abhisamayālamkāra |
Author |
釋永明 (著)=Shih, Yung-ming (au.)
Source |
法光學壇=Dharma Light Lyceum
Volume | n.8 |
Date | 2004.01.01 |
Pages | 93 - 140 |
Publisher | 法光佛教文化研究所=Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 現觀; 彌勒; 注解系統; 善說金珠; 師子賢明義釋 |
Abstract | 彌勒是佛?還是菩薩? 這個議題與相關的辯諍內容,精采的存在於現今格魯派三大寺六札倉所用《現觀》教本中,討論的主題不止是單純確認彌勒是佛或菩薩,而是以此為引,透過辯論析解,除了展現《現觀》注釋家們細膩與深厚的佛學學養,還讓學習者於研讀中,能重新審思自己對於佛及佛聖者本身與其相關概念之認識上,是否合於佛教、合於學理與量理。此中,用在釐清「彌勒身份辨析」之教理或範疇,於教典上,觸及了《華嚴經》、《寶性論》、《俱舍論》、《集論》及《密宗道次第》等;於學理上,涉及了佛與菩薩思想,如佛三身、成佛不在人間而在色究竟天、過去佛與未來佛的認定、佛聖者心相續中是否有發心、自利利他圓滿的佛聖者無追求利他之心嗎?十地菩薩、一生所繫、補處菩薩與白幢天子、兜率天代理佛位者等一異與關係之問題;於量理上,大量運用了因明邏輯之遮詮法等宗、因、喻之遮、立、斷等途徑來進行辨證,內容豐富教理完備。 但是,當筆者對於相當這個「彌勒身份辨析」議題在《現觀》注釋書中的應有位置進行檢視時,發現當今三大寺六札倉所用《現觀》教本出現之前的印藏諸注釋書中,除了二十一本印傳注釋書中並未提及之外,現存藏文《現觀》注釋書稍早的薩迦派聶溫《除意闇》及其徒宗喀巴《善說金珠》等書亦未涉入。既然如是,那麼,它是如何成為西藏後出尤其格魯派《現觀》注釋書中難以避談的議題?在某種層次下,它的出現與內容的變化、擴張,將能反應格魯派《現觀》注釋書傳承與創新的大致情形。因此,本文順著這個議題往前回溯,漸次上推至格魯派之前及創發之時的十四世紀,透過依出現年代前後排序的格魯派所出注釋書群之內容解讀與比對,以此作為研究的基礎,主要嘗試觀察析述十四世紀格魯派宗喀巴以降,至十八世紀卓尼札巴協 珠為止這段時間之流裡,「彌勒是佛或菩薩之諍」的源出、傳續、承接與創新等發展、衍變情形,依此呈現格魯派在這前後約四、五個世紀之時代歷程中,諸注釋書之義理傳續、承接與創新等的大致情形。
The Abhisamayālamkāra textbooks used presently by Gelugpa educational institutions contain discussions on the question whether Maitreya is a buddha or a bodhisattva. Texts like the Avatamsakasūtra, Uttaratantra, Abhidharmakośa and Śiksasamuccayaare quoted and Buddhological concepts like buddhahood, the stages of a bodhisattva etc. are probed by all traditional means of Buddhist logic. The present writer discovered, however, that none of the twenty-one Indian commentaries on the Abhisamayālamkāra and none of the earlier Tibetan commentaries up to Tsong-kha-pa himself contains anything corresponding. Thus the question arises how this became such an important topic in the later commentaries, especially those of the Gelugpa. The main thrust of the present paper lies in an exploration of this riddle covering the Gelug commentaries after Tsong-kha-pa up to the eighteenth century in order to demonstrate the traditional and innovative aspects of this literature. |
Hits | 2475 |
Created date | 2006.12.22 |
Modified date | 2017.08.24 |
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