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應用平衡計分卡觀念於企業禪訓教育訓練效益評估之研究=Apply the concept of The Balanced Scorecard to the evaluation of corporate Zen-training
Author 簡薪洪 (撰)=Chien, Shin-hung (compose)
Publisher Url
Location臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year2006
Keyword企業禪訓=corporate zen-training; 平衡計分卡=The Balanced Scorecard; 訓練評估=training evaluation
問卷的收發均透過其內部的文件傳遞系統完成,使得各項問卷之回收率與有效率均為100%。隨後透過信度的分析來篩選題目,刪除較不適當的衡量題項後,使得Cronbach?? 係數均達到 0.70 以上,以使該量表達到內部一致性。
There are many problems in modern society, and the opposition between the rich and the poor has also caused the disorder of the society . Although The Balanced Scorecard has gotten rid of the abuses which only think highly of finance, its limit still exists, including dysfunctional decision, departmental egoism and so on. A general training is fastidious about the establishment of corporate culture, the promotion of manpower quality and the development of employees’ potential to grasps the environment tendency, but it slightly strengthens employees’ ideas.
This research is a case study, we use a meter which developed by former scholar and make partial revisions to accord with the training content, the industrial characteristic and the different the corporate culture .We aim to evaluate the training benefit and the causal factors which affect the customer service attitude, the team cooperation and the customer satisfaction.
The training’s objective is to promote the employees’ sensitivities to body health, and make them understand the relationship between the team cooperation, the customer service attitude, the body and mind adjustment and the self-dignity. If these can be achieved, employees are assumed to have more possibility of achieving their best working performance and satisfy the four objectives of The Balanced Scorecard naturally.
We believe that employees will grow up in the body and mind management, the ideas and the operating management by the wisdom of Zen, and they will develop their original wisdom. Thus, corporation can easily achieve the objectives of The Balanced Scorecard(give considerations to the inside and outside balance ,the financial and non-financial combination)by the corporate Zen-training. Besides, it can also increase employees’ centripetal force, and they will think themselves as parts of the company, so they will do their best for the corporate goals.
We analyze the data from the meter by statistical method, and provide the analysis and the suggestions we have made to the company. We hope the company can train their employees in the center of Zen concept and the company will form an management style more approach to employee automatic.

Table of contents第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究個案背景 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 教育訓練的基礎理論 6
第二節 訓練效益評估之目的 8
第三節 禪的意義與功效 9
第四節 平衡計分卡之起源及內容 12
(一)、平衡計分卡管理體系 12
(二)、平衡計分卡四個構面 14
第五節 激勵理論之新關研究 16
第六節 禪與管理 22
第三章 研究方法 26
第一節 研究架構 26
第二節 研究樣本 27
第三節 準實驗設計 27
第四節 課程安排 28
第五節 問卷設計 29
一、問卷內容 29
二、問卷發放情況 30
第六節 研究假說及資料分析方法 31
第七節 問卷收集方式及回收情形 33
第八節 信度與效度之分析 34
一、信度分析 34
二、效度分析 35
第四章 資料分析結果 38
第一節 各組研究變數之平均數與標準差 38
第二節 工作壓力對身體健康之相關性分析 40
第三節 團隊合作表現對顧客服務態度之迴歸分析 43
第四節 身心調整狀況對顧客服務態度之迴歸分析 44
第五節 自我肯定度對顧客服務態度之迴歸分析 45
第六節 身心調整狀況對團隊合作表現之迴歸分析 46
第七節 自我肯定度對團隊合作表現之迴歸分析 47
第八節 團隊合作表現、身心調整狀況、顧客服務態度與自我肯定度對客戶滿意度之迴歸分析 48
第五章 結論與建議 49
第一節 研究結論 49
第二節 討論與建議 52
一、討論 52
二、建議 53
第三節 研究限制 54
參 考 文 獻 55
一、 中文參考書目 55
二、 英文參考書目 57
附 錄 59
一、控制組與實驗組問卷 59
二、客戶滿意度度問卷 64
Created date2007.03.27
Modified date2023.01.07

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