上座部佛教的兩性論述 -- 從原始佛典的解讀到當代「平等」議題=On Gender Discourse of The Theravāda Buddhism: From the Interpretation of Original Buddhist Texts to the Discussion of the Contemporary Meaning of Equality |
Author |
蕭貞貞 (撰)=Sucharittammakul, Wilaiporn (compose)
Date | 2006 |
Pages | 222 |
Publisher | 輔仁大學宗教學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 輔仁大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 謝世忠 |
Publication year | 95 |
Keyword | 性別平等=gender equality; 八敬法=Attha garudhamma; 原始佛典=Original Buddhist Text; 比丘尼=Bhikkhunī |
Abstract | 本論文的核心論點是「佛教的兩性關係」,由於當代女性主義各流派的影響,導致學者們使用正在發展中的女性主義理論來當標準作跨領域的衡量與批判,尤其是女性自由主義的影響更普遍。但筆者企圖從佛陀時代的「兩性關係」與「平等」觀來探討當代的「兩性平等」,透過解讀巴利原典及漢譯《阿含經》,呈顯原始佛教的教義,讓現代人更認識佛陀當初對在家眾男女關係與出家眾男女關係的解釋,並從原典的「平等」意來考察佛教的兩性關係與現代的兩性平等之差異。 由於2001年4月1日「廢除八敬法」運動的出現,無論是佛教學者或一般的佛教徒都開始注意到「八敬法」為何。從此之後,佛教兩性關係更注重在討論八敬法的議題上。因此,本論文先從巴利原典的立場考察「八敬法」是否非佛制,因為若八敬法非佛制,探討在佛教八敬法的兩性關係便顯得毫無意義。於是本文主要的篇幅,就從八敬法的每一條文考察到相關八敬法的質疑開始著墨。其次,筆者亦討論到八敬法是否造成佛教兩性的不平等。由於八敬法是比丘尼的生活規範,不是世俗人的生活規範,因此,當探討此問題時得考慮到出家人的規則,這才是以出家人規則的標準來衡量比丘尼的規範,而非從世俗的角度切入當作兩性平等的準則。 隨後探討到當代漢、藏、南傳佛教中兩性不平等的實際問題。就女性自由主義的看法,他們所認為的不平等,事實上到底是因不同傳承而產生問題,或問題來自佛教的教義對人壓抑,或是人自身的煩惱,這些將在第六章討論。 最後,以佛教「諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,自淨其意,是諸佛教。」為本文的結論,來看待如何解決所謂的兩性不平等。
This thesis deals with the Buddhist outlook on gender issues. Contemporary feminists have extrapolated modern ideas of gender equality to make conclusions about the gender values of early Buddhism. The centre of the heated gender equality debate for scholars and laypeople has been the validity of the eight garudhamma – with a movement started on April, 1 2001 for their abolition, under the premise that they are not believed to be the authentic teachings of the Buddha. This thesis reflects the contemporary stance on gender equality, on the basis of the descriptions of gender relationships and the equality found in the original Pāli texts and Chinese translation of the Agama sutras, with particular reference to the eight garudhamma. The thesis concludes that according to the texts, the eight garudhamma were laid down as norms for the sacred conduct of Buddhist nuns rather than merely customs, and therefore are rules that deserve to transcend feminist standards (which would be more appropriately applied to social customs). Discussion is also made of the likely reasons for the growth of the contemporary movement for Buddhist gender equality despite lack of scriptural support – with citation of the Buddha’s Ovādapatimokkha teaching to put gender issues in the broader perspective of the true goals of Buddhist practice. |
Hits | 1093 |
Created date | 2007.07.27 |
Modified date | 2023.04.25 |

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