西夏文學作品中所見儒釋相融思想=The Ideology of both Buddhism and Confucianism in Tagunt Influenced in Literary Works |
Author |
崔紅芬 (著)=Cui, Hong-fen (au.)
Source |
青海民族研究=Nationalities Research in Qinghai
Volume | n.4 |
Date | 2007 |
Pages | 137 - 141 |
Publisher | 青海民族學院民族研究所 |
Location | 西寧, 中國 [Xining, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者簡介: 崔紅芬( 1968- ) , 女, 河北河間人, 首都師範大學歷史系博士後副教授, 主要從事西夏佛教研究。 |
Keyword | 西夏=Tagunt; 文學作品=literary works; 儒釋=Confucianism and Buddhism; 融合=mixed together |
Abstract | 隨著佛教中國化過程的完成,儒釋道相互融合,形成了修身以道,治國以儒,治心以釋的局面。西夏是以黨項人為主體在西北建立的民族政權,為了鞏固統治,統治者采取了崇佛尊儒的國策,佛教和儒家文化在西夏都得到發展,尤以佛教最為突出。西夏時期佛教已不單強調出世離俗,而更多的表現為入世合俗,佛儒共容相濟,與社會接觸,去勸化世人,把出世離俗和入世合俗的思想緊密結合在一起。這種思想在文學作品中也得到充分體現。本文主要對儒釋相融思想在詩歌、諺語及各類字書、韻書中的表現作一簡要論述。
With the Buddhism developing in China, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism mixed together and took on a new aspect which was cultivation moral character according to the rule of Taoism, governing according to the rule of Confucianism, nourishing its people according to the rule of Buddhism. Tagunt was an ethnic government which was established by Dangxiang ethnic group, the governor of it showed respect of Buddhism and Confucianism for solidifying its political power. The culture of Buddhism and Confucianism had been developed in Taguntk, especially for Buddhism. In Tagunt, Buddhism not only shook off worldly world, but also joined it. Buddhism and Cnfucianism mixed and absorbed together, joined society and gave moral support to its people. The ideology of that period showed mostly in literary works. This article just give a brief exposition of the ideology of both Buddhish and Confucianism in Tagunt influenced in literary works, such as poems, slangs, verses and other different literary styles.
Table of contents | 一.儒釋相融思想在詩歌中的體現 137 (一)拜寺溝方塔出土的詩歌 137 (二)宮廷頌歌與勸世歌 138 二.儒釋信仰在諺語中的反映 140 三.佛儒思想在字書、韻書中的體現 140
ISSN | 10055681 (P) |
Hits | 721 |
Created date | 2008.04.03 |
Modified date | 2019.11.01 |

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