從時間角度觀看心念=Observing the Thoughts in the Mind from the Viewpoint of Time |
Author |
胡祖櫻 (著)=Hu, Tzu-ying (au.)
Source |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
Volume | v.8 n.2 |
Date | 2007.07.01 |
Pages | 81 - 89 |
Publisher | 圓覺文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 胡祖櫻,仁德醫護管理專科學校,應用外語科,講師 |
Keyword | 觀看=observation; 心念=thoughts; 覺=awareness; 過去心=thoughts in the pass; 現在心=thoughts in the present; 未來心=thoughts in the future; 本性=self-nature; 相=characteristics; 時間=time |
Abstract | 蓮花生大士提到「觀看心念」的修行方法,「觀看」就是覺、知、覺察、警覺...,也就是「能知」。「『能知與被知的劃分』在個別心念上得應用」一文提出觀看心念時,針對個別心念,以「循因」的方式,讓能知的部份越來越純粹,最後到達完全純粹的能知。這個方式是「以個別心念的因果關係的角度」來用觀看心念這個方法。除了以因果關係的角度之外,還有一個方式,則是以時間的角度來用觀看心念這個方法。蓮花生大士在「Self Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness」一文中提到在修行上,面對「過去心、現在心、未來心」的方法,以達到「純粹的覺」。因果關係和時間雖然是不同的兩個角度,但是他們是互相關聯,可以同時並用的。面對過去心,要清楚明白的覺知這個心念過去了,就放下了;面對未來心時,不做任何預設、限制,不執著於未來一定要有什麼結果,也就是不執著於未來的「果」,只要盡力的「行因」即可;面對現在心,心處在某個心念自己的狀況,不做任何建構、整修。達到純粹的覺或觀察時,性向如如,「性」也解脫,「相」也解脫。
[Abstract] The great master Padmasambhava(蓮花生大士) mentioned a method of practicing Buddhism – to observe the thoughts in the mind. The word “to observe” means the same as “to be aware of”, “to see”, and “to Know”. My earlier article “the application of “setting the boundary between “the knower”(能知)and “the known”(被知) to individual thoughts” claims that with the method of backtracking the causes, “the knower” will become purer and purer and at last it will become completely purified. The method is developed from the viewpoint of “cause-and-effect”. In addition to this method, there is another way of observing thoughts, a way that can be developed from the viewpoint of “time”. The great master Padmasambhava mentioned an approach to observe thoughts in the pass, in the future and in the present moment. Although the standpoints of “cause-and-effect” and “time” are different, they can be applied at the same time. Thoughts in the pass should be known clearly and be relinquished. Thoughts in the future should be cut off and unconditioned by anything. Don’t insist that there should be certain effects in the future, but do one’s best in the cause. Thoughts in the present moment should not be grasped. Let the thoughts remain in its oen condition without constructing anything. When observation or awareness is pure or naked, self-nature(性)is set to be free and characteristics(相)are liberated.
Table of contents | 一.前言 二.過去心、現在心、未來心 三.「Self Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness」的主要意含 四.過去心 五.未來心 六.現在心 七.純粹的覺 八.「覺性」和「相」之間的關係 九.性相皆鬆開 十.結論 十一.致謝 註解 參考文獻 附錄 |
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
Hits | 2847 |
Created date | 2008.04.22 |
Modified date | 2017.07.21 |

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