葷食增業說=Meat Diet Increases One's Karma |
Author |
王立文 (著)=Wang, Lin-wen (au.)
Source |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
Volume | v.9 n.1 |
Date | 2008.01.01 |
Pages | 8 - 11 |
Publisher | 圓覺文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 王立文,元智大學機械工程系教授,美國凱斯西儲大學機械工程博士,所任課程:熱對流學、熱力學。學術專長及研究專題:熱傳學、熱質對流、電化學、流體力。 |
Keyword | 業力=karma; 生命信息=information of life; 細胞心靈=spirituality of cells |
Abstract | 最近喜愛黑猩猩的世界名人珍古德寫了一本書,書名為「用心飲食」(陳正芬譯),告知人們大家現在吃的肉,很多都是在一個很殘忍的情況下養殖的,打生長素、抗生素把動物當機器一樣的「生產」,小公牛生下來就處死,鴨子一生沒有游過水等等動物悲情層出不窮。當我們在吃山珍海味之時,有沒有想到口中之物,在它有生命時是多麼地怨與恨,這怨與恨的信息是否還殘存在細胞之中。食物細胞能提供給人體的是物質、能量、信息。比方說脂肪進入人體,人體暫時不消化它,它就以物質(脂肪)的型態留在體內,該人若多作運動,那進來的脂肪也許很快地化為能量了。至於信息的部分是否亦會經食物帶入,可以參考梁乃崇的「細胞心靈說」及陳國鎮之「生命信息說」,如果他們所述為真,食物中若含不良信息,便可能對人體造成傷害。按照陳國鎮的說法,植物常含有靜定的好信息,再看現代人培養動物之法,能在這些動物變成人類食物前,心中不含恐懼、怨恨者幾稀。當釋加牟尼坐在菩提樹下証道成佛,菩提樹是有輔佐之功的,可以推想植物對人類是由協助之意。人生活必要有食物,但若以葷食為主食,在修行道上恐怕不太好走。
[Abstract] Jane Goodall, the world renowned primatologist, has recently published her book, Harvest for Hope, (translated by Cheng-fen Chen) telling people that a majority of the meat consumed are bred under very cruel circumstances, where growth hormones and antibodies are injected for producing animals like machinery, resulting in numerous said animal cruelty in how newborn calves are slaughtered at birth, and ducks that never swim in water and the list goes on. When we feast on land animals and marine catches, do we ever think of how much hatred and sorrow contained in the food that we ingest when still alive, and can information of the hatred and sorrow still remain in the cells? Food cells provide the human body with substance, energy and information. For example, when fat enters the human body, the fat matter is retained in the human body when not digested, and an individual who takes to exercising can work off the fat into energy. As to whether such information can be conveyed through food intake, a reference point can be made with Spirituality of Cells by Nai-Tsung Liang and Information of Life by Kuo-Gen Chen, and suppose what they have stated is true, negative information contained in the food would cause harm to the human body. By Kuo-Gen Chen’s assertion, plants often contain calming positive information, and by examining how modern people cultivate animals, it is few and in between that such animals are free from fear or hatred before they become human food. When Shakyamuni is transformed into a Buddha for having attained the enlightenment under the Bodi tree, the Bodi tree provides a transcending effect, which can be deduced that plants provide benefits to mankind. As man rely on food to survive, yet keeping to a staple of meat diet may render one’s path of discipline a difficult one.
Table of contents | 一.前言 二.避免污染而食有機 三.個人少食葷食的論證基礎:增業力 四.結論 參考文獻 |
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
Hits | 2255 |
Created date | 2008.04.23 |
Modified date | 2017.07.21 |

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