光宅法雲《法華經義記》的詮釋觀點=The Hermeneutical View of Fayun's Fahua Yij |
Author |
李幸玲 (著)=Lee, Hsing-ling (au.)
Source |
臺大佛學研究=Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.16 |
Date | 2008.12 |
Pages | 127 - 170 |
Publisher | 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 法雲=Fayun; 光宅寺=Kangzhai Temple; 法華義記=Fa-Hua Yi-Ji; 法華經=Lotus Sutra; 智顗=Chih-i |
Abstract | 梁.法雲的《法華經義記》是現存南朝最完整的《法華經》注疏,對於考察天台智顗之前的《法華》注疏,以及世親《法華論》漢譯前,中國對《法華經》理解情形,有重要的研究價值。法雲的注釋是根據羅什二十七品的原譯本,不但以嚴密的科判展示其對《法華》的理解,也有明確的方法上的自覺,綜述並評論當時流行的各家詮釋,極少部分詮釋雖有失精確,但大致符合《法華》要旨,且迭有創見,部分觀點對後來的《法華》注疏者如智顗、吉藏有深刻的影響。根據本文之研究,可歸納法雲對《法華經》的詮釋有以下七項獨特觀點:其一,以體、義、用分別詮釋「一乘」成佛之因、果之殊勝處。其二,以「火宅三車」喻《法華》一乘要旨,提出「初說有三,後會三歸一」的「四車說」。其三,分析《法華經》依授記對象上中下根器敘事策略的詮釋,深刻地影響智顗「三周說法」的基本詮釋架構。其四,獨特的「二身相望」為其佛身觀之詮釋。其五,提出三教五時的判教說,判《法華》為漸教第四時,不及《涅槃》常住教究竟。其六,認為一闡提並非體性的問題,只是忘失其一乘法體,若能勤修善因,自能悟入佛與一闡提法體不異之理。其七,自覺大乘經典立場不同,基於對經典詮釋嚴謹的態度,完全未使用「佛性」、「如來藏」等用語來詮釋《法華》「一乘」思想。 Liang Dynasty Kangzhai Temple Fayun’s(法雲) Fahuayij(法華義記) is the most unabridged commentary of the Lotus Sutra in south dynasty. Regarding inspects the understading of Chinese commentaries before Tiantai Chihi’s commentaries and Vasubandhu's commentary translating into chinese, it has the important research value. Fayun’s annotation is according to Kumarajiva’s original translation, not only sentences by the strict branch demonstrates it to the Lotus Sutra, also aware of the explicit methodology , summarizes various popular annotations at that time and comments their hermeneutics, except the few part annotation loses precisely, conforms to the Lotus Sutra essence approximately. And the partial viewpoints had the profound influence to afterward glossographers. Fayun’s Fahuayij proposes several unique viewpoints, the hermeneutics of various dimensions inclouding: one vehicle, four wagons, narrative strategy, forms of Buddha-bodies, incchantika,and doctrinal classification etc. Fayun has not used concepts (like Buddha nature or tathatagarbha) of Mahaparinirvana sutra to annotate one vehicle completely, it was quite different from other cotemporaneous glossographers. |
ISSN | 10271112 (P) |
Hits | 4008 |
Created date | 2009.02.09 |
Modified date | 2017.07.07 |

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