從「天人和合」到「心境交融」── 佛教心性論影響下中國傳統審美形態的轉化=Chinese Aesthetic Attitude Renovation under the Influence of Buddhist Mind Philosophy |
Author |
吳學國 (著)=Wu, Xue-guo (au.)
秦琰 (著)=Qin, Yan (au.)
Source |
南開學報(哲學社會科學版)=Nankai Journal(Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition)
Volume | n.1 |
Date | 2006 |
Pages | 103 - 109 |
Publisher | 南開大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 天津, 中國 [Tianjin, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:南開大學哲學系 |
Keyword | 自然思維=Natural Consciousness; 審美經驗=Aesthetic Experience; 天人和合=Concord Between Tian and Ren; 禪=Chan Buddhism; 心境交融=Fusion of Xin and Jing |
Abstract | 中國傳統美學在傳統的自然思維支配之下缺乏真正的反思思維。這裡基本的審美形態是“天人和合”;事物之謂美本質上在於它體現了與“天”或“道”,即作為本體的絕對自然之符合;美的主觀性意義完全沒有被意識到。佛教心性論的傳入和滲透,使中華民族具有了一種真正的精神反思。隋唐以後文藝(尤其是詩歌)就有了一種與傳統顯著不同的審美經驗,即所謂“心境交融”。“心境交融”的審美經驗結構建立在反思基礎上,它無論從形式還是內容上都是直接來源於禪佛教的精神反思。
Traditional Chinese aesthetics lacks a true reflection due to the natural thinking mode of which the dominant aesthetic attitude is a "concord between Tian (nature ) and Ren(human being) ." The beauty of a thing then is essentially at its correspondence with Tian or Tao , namely, the original nature. The subjectivity of beauty is lost in such a tradition reasonably, . However, after Sui and Tang dynasties, the Buddhist mind philosophy introduces a true spiritual reflection into Chinese culture which bring... |
ISSN | 04657942 (P) |
Hits | 546 |
Created date | 2009.08.31 |
Modified date | 2019.11.22 |

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