《大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章》成為淨土宗經典的詮釋問題 ─ 以印光之詮釋為主=The Issue of the Interpretation of "Mahā-sthāma-prāpta's Perfect Understanding by being Mindful of the Meritorious Virtues of the Buddha" Is Realized as One of Pure Land Sutras: A Study of Yinguang |
Author |
陳劍鍠 (著)=Chen, Jian-huang (au.)
Source |
世界宗教學刊=Journal of World Religions
Volume | n.10 |
Date | 2007.12.01 |
Pages | 61 - 97 |
Publisher | 南華大學宗教學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為屏東教育大學中國語文學系副教授 |
Keyword | 大勢至菩薩=Mahā-sthāma-prāpta; 念佛圓通章=Perfect Understanding by being Mindful of the Meritorious Virtues of the Buddha; 淨土宗=Pure Land school; 詮釋=Interpretation; 印光=Yinguang |
Abstract | 《大勢至菩薩念佛圓通章》見於《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》卷五,清末民初時印光(1861—1940)極力倡導此章經文,並將之列為淨土宗的主要經典之一。由於印光對該章經文開示的修持法有獨特見解,又基於他被推尊為淨土宗第十三位祖師,遂使該章經文成為修習淨土法門者爭相研習的重要經典之一。印光強調《念佛圓通章》裏「都攝六根,淨念相繼」的教示,並以持名念佛法來詮釋《念佛圓通章》,使得《首楞嚴經》的圓通義與持名念佛法得以相通,換言之,透過持名念佛法也能證得實相。實則,《念佛圓通章》的原義不必如印光所言,是以持名念佛法來修持,因為依照經中原義,念佛圓通的本義是念實相佛,而且所念不必定是阿彌陀佛,而是「徧用根、塵、識、大以念佛。」我們不是說印光的轉移不可成立,印光的詮釋見解是從實踐修持而證成,因此本文從教化立場及宗教的靜點詮釋兩個面相,來看印光的詮釋向度及其相關問題。
The Mahā-sthāma-prāpta's Perfect Understanding by being Mindful of the Meritorious Virtues of the Buddha is in the chapter five of The Śūramgama Sūtra. In the beginning of twentieth century. Yinguang advocated this chapter to his best, and classified it as one of the most important sutra in the Pure Land School. Because Yinguang had an original idea to the practice of the teaching as well as his being the thirteenth master of Pure Land School, the chapter became one of the most studied literatures to the practitioners. Yinguang emphasized the teaching of "managing the six faculties of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin and mind to engender affliction" and "to continual mindfulness without lapse" and used the verbal chanting of the name of Amitābha Buddha to interpret Mahā-sthāma-prāpta's Perfect Understanding by being Mindful of the Meritorious Virtues of the Buddha. This has made the perfect understanding of the Śūramgama Sūtra and the verbal chanting of the name of Amitābha Buddha inter-convertible; in other words, that is to gain true original nature. However, the original meaning of the chapter does not have to be as what Yinguang proposed, but to chant of the name of Amitābha Buddha. Because according to the original meaning of the sutra, perfect understanding is to use six sense organs, six thieves, six consciousness, seven elements entirely. We are not suggesting that Yinguang's teaching is not substantial, but his interpretation is to manifest the unsurpassed principle within oneself. Therefore, this paper starts from teaching people and causing them to understand, and looks through religious aspect to overview the intensity and related issues of Yinguang's interpretation.
Table of contents | 一、前言 62 二、印光對《念佛圓通章》的詮釋 70 (一)「都攝六根」的念佛法則 71 (二)「淨念相繼」與念佛三昧 74 (三)以持名念佛詮釋念佛圓通 76 三、《念佛圓通章》成為淨土宗經典的問題 80 (一)近代以持名法詮釋《念佛圓通章》的共識 80 (二)從教化立場看印光的詮釋向度 84 四、結語 89 徵引書目 92
ISSN | 1728645X (P) |
Hits | 1907 |
Created date | 2009.10.16 |
Modified date | 2017.11.07 |

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