日治時代來台淨土宗的開教事業=The Kai Jiao Activities of the Japanese Pure Land School in Taiwan during the Japanese Governed Period |
Author |
釋慧嚴 (著)=Shih, Huey-yen (au.)
Source |
玄奘人文學報=Hsuan Chuang Humanities Journal
Volume | n.5 |
Date | 2005.07.01 |
Pages | 35 - 63 |
Publisher | 玄奘人文社會學院=Hsuan Chuang University |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 開教=Kai Jiao; 有志事業=Vocational Activities; 宗鬥事業=Organized Religious Activities; 台南學堂=Tainan Learning Center; 秋田貫融=Akita Kanlyu |
Abstract | 日本佛教傳入台灣是始自1895年,因日清甲午戰爭,滿清戰敗與日本締結馬關條約將台灣、澎湖割讓給日本的因緣,日本佛教八宗十二派的僧侶,隨著日本統治台灣,移民到台灣的日本人逐日增加,而陸續地傳入台灣。此中與彌陀淨土信仰有關的宗派,是淨土宗及淨土真宗大谷派、本願寺派。但限於篇幅故,此論文將以淨土宗爲主,就其在台開教的經緯、其道場分布的情形、以及他們從事的文教事業;如從有志事業到宗門事業、三十七所教會所、寺院、教務所的設立、幼稚園、以及台灣商業學院的沿革作研究的對象,希望透過這個研究,來了解日治時代台灣佛教的發展情形,鑑古知今,以提供今日台灣佛教人士的參考。
The introduction of Japanese Buddhism to Taiwan started in 1895. As a result of the Sino-Japanese war and the Treaty of Shimonoseki, Taiwan and Penghu were ceded to Japan. With Japan ruling Taiwan, the number of people from Japan who immigrated to Taiwan kept increasing. These immigrants included souse Japanese Buddhist monastic from the eight different schools and twelve different lineages. Among these different schools, the ones chat are most related to the belief and practice of Amitabha's Pure Land teaching are the Schools of Pure Land, True Purr Lana and Hongan-ji Temple. The tartar or this paper is an eve poetic tars in which Pure Land School's teaching started in Taiwan; the distribution of its temples and accomplishments in. cultural and educational activities. Specific investigation topics include the evolution of activities from individual vocation to those organized by the monastic system; the thirty-seven teaching ret tees, religious meeting places, temples; establishment of education institutions and nursery; and changes to Tainan Business School. This research will provide a better understanding of tier evolution of Buddhism in Taiwan during the Japanese governed period. This research is intended to serve as a reference for Buddhists in Taiwan. |
Table of contents | 壹、序言 37 貳、淨土宗來台開教的前奏曲 38 參、布教所教會所寺院的創設 42 一、日治初期的來台日本淨土宗 42 二、別院開教院寺院教會所的建立 46 肆、台灣商業學院 55 伍、結論 61 |
ISSN | 18156541 (P) |
DOI | 10.29956/HCHJ.200507.0002 |
Hits | 1113 |
Created date | 2009.10.30 |
Modified date | 2019.12.16 |

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