Author |
曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.2 |
Date | 1988.10 |
Pages | 325 - 357 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Keyword | 戒律=Precepts=Vinaya=Sila; 沙門戒規; 四波羅夷 |
Abstract | 八年前仕邦尚在澳洲之日,曾替華岡佛學學報撰寫過「 僧史所載中國沙門堅守淫戒的一些實例」一文,返港後,又 在同一學報發表了「中國僧史所載持午的實踐和面對的難題 」一文,所論都是中國僧伽如何遵守印度傳來的某一戒規. 實則三僧傳與其他僧史所載,華夏比丘遵守西來軌範的例子 不僅上述兩種,只是上述兩者史料較多,故先單獨成篇而已 . 現在就僧史所見的守戒情況,加上遵守某些印度佛門傳統 的事例,分類編排,撰成本文供參考.
In 1981,the author published an essay on how the Chinese clerics observed the Vinaya rules which concern 'No Adultery' in the Hwakang Buddhist Journal No.5. In addition to the sources mentioned in that study,the author also found from the three 'Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Monks' and some other religious materials that other Vinaya rules or Indian traditions had also been practised by the Chinese monks in the period from the 4th to 10th century A.D. These were:
(1) The rules that concerning 'No Killing', inculding human beings, animals, insects and vegetable lives. (2) The rule of 'No Intoxicating Liquor'. (3) The rule of 'Do not Touch any kind of Money' (4) The rule of 'No Involement in Military Affairs'. (5) The rule of 'No Trifling or Joking'. (6) The rule of 'No Expacterating in Monastery'. (7) The rule of 'Use no Bronze Bowl' (8) The tradition of 'Eat none of the Five Parivayayas (pungent roots)'. i.e. garlic, leek,onion,scallion and `Hingu`. (9) The tradition of'Use the Jar for Clean Water'. (10) The rule of' Use the Mats made from Wool for Sitting or Lying'. (11) The traditions of 'Put on a Sheet of Linen', 'Put on a `Pamskula` (cast-off rag)' and 'Put on Patched Garment'.
After the researching of this topic,the author believes he has discovered a new reason for the decline of Vinaya in China. In the secular world, one who obeys the law should have to observe strictly the instrution of each clause of the law. And in the monastic world,Vinaya has the same position as well as that of the secular world. Regretfully,the author found that the Chinese monks had never practised strictly in accordance with the instruction of the Vinaya rules. For instance,a transgressor who violated the rule of 'No Trifling or Joking' only committed a pardonable sin of `Pataka` and would be forgiven after having confessed in an assembly,but Ching-ai (靜藹) expelled his disciple for this transgression. Even the later begged for forgiveness.
Again,the Vinaya instructs that one who using bronze bowl (other bronze utensils are not committed `Duskrta`,a most venial sin that the transgressor would be forgiven after having confessed in front of only one cleric. Even so,Chis-shen (智詵) threw a spoon away in a vegetarian banquet for this utensil was made by bronze.
Furthermore; in accordace with the Vinaya, one who kills vegetable lives committed `Pataka` and one who persuades the other to kill also involved in the transgression of Killing. Besides, one who eats leek committed only `Duskrta`.
After reading the above-mentioned two rules, the auther puzzled for `Ling-yu's` (靈裕) behaviour. `Ling-yu` was once invited by a landlord to go to preach and stayed in the later's house for days As one day he learnt that the neighbouring leek grove was belonged to his host,`Ling-yu` refused to continue his lecture for he did no want to serve a man who cultivated the 'Parivayaya'. Nevertheless, the landlord destroyed the entire forty acres of leeks with a plough in order to make `Ling-yu` to return his mind.
In this case,`Ling-yu` grapsed his chance to stop people from raising parivayaya as a way of avoiding `Duskrta`,but forgot the instruction of persuading others to kill would commit the grievous sin of `Pataka`. As he threatened to depart from his sermon as a way of enforcing his host to destroy the numerous leeks, he had already committed his persuasion.
As the Chinese cleri |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Hits | 1509 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2017.06.15 |

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