Author |
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.7 |
Date | 1994.07 |
Pages | 121 - 148 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Keyword | 一音教; 漸教; 頓教; 三法輪; 四宗 |
Abstract | 「地論師」,「攝論師」分別是指南北朝中葉至唐朝初 年 (六. 七世紀) 研習世親的《十地經論》和無著的《攝大 乘論》的專家. 無著和世親是印度佛教瑜伽行學派的創始者 ,而地論師,攝論師闡揚其論著的教理,可說是中國初期的 瑜伽行教學傳習人. 現時地論師,攝論師的著作大部分已 散佚,衹能通過後人的記載和零星的逸文,觀其教說之一二 . 「判教」者,是指對內容,風格多樣的佛教經典和教義, 加以類別和會通的工作. 判教的風氣是在東晉末年 (五世紀 初) 開始形成,隨即迅速開展. 在南北朝時代,流行著各種 判教主張,中不少為地論師,攝論師所提出,反映了他們 的教學取向,並影響到日後判教理論的發展,是值得注意. 本文根據現今可見的資料,析述地論師,攝論師的判教學說 .
本文分四部分: 地論師菩提流支的判教學說. 地論師慧光的判教學說. 攝論師真諦的判教學說. 後期地論師的判教學說.
The Ti-lun and the She-lun masters were the respective experts in Vasubandhu's `Dasabhumikasutra- sastra` and Asanga's `Mahayanasamgraha-sastra` active in the sixth and seventh centuries, and their teachings were significant in that they reflected the early Chinese interpretation of `Yogacara` thought. This paper examines the ways various Ti-lun and She-lun masters dealt with the subject of p'an-chiao,with a view to highlighting some of the basic concerns and features of early Chinese `Yogacara`.
This paper is divided into the following four sections:
1. The p'an-chiao doctrines of the Ti-lun master Bodhiruci 2. The p'an-chiao doctrines of the Ti-lun master Hui-kuang 3. The p'an-chiao doctrines of the She-lun master `Paramartha` 4. The p'an-chiao doctrines of the late Ti-lun masters |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Hits | 1523 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2017.06.16 |

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