Author |
釋聖嚴 (著)=Shih, Sheng-yen (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.1 |
Date | 1987.03 |
Pages | 1 - 41 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Keyword | 唯識學; 明代佛教; 華嚴疏鈔; 宗鏡錄; 智旭; 德清; 法相宗=Yogacara Buddhism |
Abstract | 唯識學在中國,唐玄宗開元以後,即成絕響. 到明末為 止約八百年間,除《華嚴經疏鈔》及《宗鏡錄》二書中可 見到唯識大意外,別無著作. 明末一百數十年間,竟有十 七位有唯識著作的學者,三十五種計一0七卷的唯識註解. 他們雖未見到唐代的述記及三疏,卻從清涼澄觀及永明延壽 的二書中,探索出研究的脈絡. 明末的唯識思想,可分兩流 ,一是專攻唯識而不涉餘宗者,一是本係餘宗學者而兼弘唯 識者,前者是唯識的唯識學,僅得二人,後者是唯心的唯識 學,包括其餘諸人. 而後者中,又分別各依天台教觀,楞 嚴經義,起信論旨,禪宗功夫為其背景者. 此時期唯識學的 最大特色,則為普遍強調性相融會的佛教思潮.
After the `K'ai-yuan` Period of the T'ang emperor `Hsuan-tsung's` reign (713-741 A. D.),the study of `Vijnanamatra` was on longer pursued in China. Besides Ch'ing-liang Ch'eng-kuan's Commentary and Subcommentary on the Hua-yen `Sutra` and Yung-ming Yenshou's Tsung-ching lu,no other works were written from which one could perceive a general idea of the `Vijnanamatra` teachings during the following 800 years up to the late Ming Dynasty. Yet in the last 100 odd years of the Ming Dynasty,there were seventeen scholars who produced 35 `Vijnamatra- related` treaties in 107 fascicles. Unabel to consult the authoritative expositions of their T'ang predecessors in their exploration of the `Vijnana- matra` system,they depended on Ch'ing-liang Ch'eng- kuan's and Yung-ming Yen-shou's books. Only two of them,who represented the Consciousness-only branch of the `Vijnamatra` School,devoted themselves exclusively to the study of these teachings. The rest originally belonged to other schools and advocated Mind-only `Vijnanamatra` ideas. Among the remaining fifteen were scholars with such divers backgrounds as the T'ien-t'ai system of teaching and insight meditation,the essence of the `Surangama Sutra`,the principles of the Awakening of Faith, and the Ch'an School type of meditative practice. The outstanding characteristic of late Ming `Vijnanamatra` thought was the stress placed on the fusion of nature and appearance. |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Hits | 1972 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2017.06.15 |

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