Author |
冉雲華 (著)=Jan, Yun-hua (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.8 |
Date | 1995.07 |
Pages | 59 - 73 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Keyword | 禪宗思想; 見性成佛; 宗教與歷史; 宗派發展 |
Abstract | 「教外別傳,不立文字,直指人心,見性成佛」是中 國禪宗的口號,也是禪宗的特色,而「見性成佛」更是禪 宗所倡導的宗教修道目標. 可是此種說法,是否真的是「 東土初祖菩提達摩」所傳的「心法」,尚未見有專題研究 . 本文從歷史文獻中,證明「見性」之說,存於禪宗記錄 者,首為《楞伽師資記 道信傳》. 這思想到了荷澤神 會的語錄中,成爭論的題目. 西元 800 年前後一度成 為熱門話題,諸家並起,各闡「見性」. 到了五代時期, 才有達摩傳佈「見性」思想,作為諸種說法之一. 及至宋 代,契嵩汰除各派禪師的「見性」理論,將此概念定為達 摩真傳,別者皆非「正宗」,刪除不論. 「公案」的編者 ,更進一步,將此「見性」列入禪宗標準教旨,從而排入 四句口號,定型為禪宗特有的「心法」.
According to history of Ch'an Buddhism compiled form the 12th century A.D. and thereafter,the doctrine of "Seeing the Nature and to become a Buddha" was transmitted directly by the first patriarch of Ch'an Buddhism,Bodhidharma himself.However,this study finds that phrase of"Seeing the Nature"was first appeared in a Ch'an Buddhist document compiled in the early years of the 8th century A.D.,then developed into a hot topic by Shen-hui (648 ~ 758) and other Ch'an masters arround 800 A.D.It was not until the 10th century,that the doctrine began to be associated with Bodhidharma though he was still regarded as one of the discussants. During the subsequent two centuries, Ch'an Buddhism became more dominant in Chinese religious life,some leading Ch'an historians and/or masters have rewritten their history,ascribed this teaching exclusively to the First Patriarch, and formulated the phrase "Seeing the Nature" into the four standard lines as "Transmitted outside the teaching tradition,not establish written doctrine,pointing to the Mind directly,seeing the Nature thus to become a Buddha. "Thereafter,this attribution of the doctrine to Bodhidharma and formulation of the four standard phrases became the orthodox teaching in Ch'an Buddhism. |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Hits | 1419 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2017.06.16 |

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