Author |
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.8 |
Date | 1995.07 |
Pages | 345 - 371 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Keyword | 阿彌陀佛; 極樂世界; 圓應土; 往生九品; 佛土 |
Abstract | 提起淨土教學,常途便會想起以往生彌陀佛的極樂世 界為歸趣的淨土宗. 其實在中國佛教史裡,對淨土觀念表 現出興趣者非僅淨土宗,亦包括地論,攝論,三論,天台 ,華嚴各主佛教學統. 本文以地論學統的代表人物淨影 寺慧遠 (523 ~ 592) 的淨土思想為主題. 慧遠活躍於南北 朝末葉,那時中國淨土教學還是在醞釀階段; 慧遠在其代 表作《大乘義章》中,特闢一章,討論淨土觀念,並為《 無量壽經》和《觀無量壽經》這兩種基本淨土佛典造注, 對中國淨土教理的形成,作出重要貢獻.
本文分兩部分︰第一部分闡述慧遠淨土思想的綱要, 包括慧遠對「淨土」一詞的解釋,對各種淨土所作的分類 ,對各類淨土跟各類佛身的關係所作的說明等. 第二部分 列舉跟阿彌陀佛之極樂淨土有關的一些問題,例如阿彌陀 佛的身位,極樂淨土的類別,往生極樂淨土的行因,往生 極樂淨土的眾生的品類等,逐一分述慧遠在這些問題上所 提出的意見,並把其立場跟傳統淨土宗人所持者作出比較 .
Modern studies of Chinese prue land teaching tend to focus on the Pure Land School. However, interest in the subject of pure land was in actuality not confined to this School. Time and again,we come across detailed discussions on the question of pure land in writings of various Chinese Buddhist traditions, such as the Ti-lun, She-lun,San-lun,Ti'en-ta'i and Hua-yen traditions. This essay examines the pure land thought of Ching-ying Hui-yu an (523 ~ 592) ,a well-known Ti-lun master and a pioneering figure in Chinese pure land teaching. The essay comprises two parts. The first part discusses Hui-yuan's definition of the term "pure land",his classifications of pure lands into different types, and his attempt to connect various types of pure lands with various forms of Buddha-bodies, Part two describes Hui-yuan's opinions on a number of questions connected with the pure land of the Buddha Amita bha, and compares them with those held by the Pure Land School. |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Categories | 建築-佛殿 |
Dynasty | 隋代 |
Regions | 中國 |
Hits | 2431 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2017.06.16 |

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