Author |
楊惠南 (著)=楊惠男 (au.)
Source |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal
Volume | n.5 |
Date | 1981.12 |
Pages | 249 - 273 |
Publisher | 中華學術院佛學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為台灣大學哲學系教授 |
Keyword | 成唯識論; 時間觀; 種熏論; 部派佛教=Abhidharma Buddhism; 勝軍; 異時因果論; 俱時因果論; 阿賴耶識 |
Abstract | 部派佛法有兩種不同的時間觀. 其一是有部,經部的時 間觀,它們都以為:「剎那」或「現在」,有前後的延續性 . 這是某種意義下的「過未有體論」. 另一是大眾部的「過 未無體論」,它主張:只有現在,沒過去與未來. 成唯識 論的時間觀,建立在種生現,現熏種的種熏論上. 它接受了 大眾部的時間觀,並依此建立起種熏論的俱時因果說. 另一 方面,勝軍,難陀等其他唯識學者,卻採用有部,經部的過 未有體論,建立其異時因果的種熏論. 它是成唯識論所評破 的.
作者發現:成唯識論的俱時因果論,會衍生「阿賴耶識 非無記」等結論,它們都與成唯識論的理論自相矛盾. 因此 ,作者建議:要避免成唯識論的自相矛盾,唯識學者應放 棄俱時因果論,改採勝軍,難陀的異時因果論.
Two theories of time existed within the schools of Early Buddhism in India. One of these,held by the `Sarvastivada` and the `Sautrantikah` Schools, regarded "`ksana`" or the present moment as having continuity; in a sense,this was a theory of substantiality of past and future. The other theory, adpoted by the `Mahasanghikah` School,proclaimed that there was no past or future,that there was only the present; this is a theory of insubstantiality of past and future.
The `Vidya-matra-siddhi Sastra` accepted the time concept of the `Mahasanghikah` School and said that,in the contamination of karmic seeds, cause and effect existed simultaneously. However,some scholars, such as Prasenajit and Nanda, followed the view of substantiality of past and future,and contended in their theory of karmic seed- contamination that cause and effect did not exist at the same time,a theory that was refuted by the `Sastra`.
The author of this paper has discovered that the theory of simultaneity of cause and effect as advocated in the `Vidya-matra-siddhi Sastra` would entail the conclusion that `Alayavijnana` was not morally neutral,and this conclusion would contradict the `Sastra's` own reasoning. In order to avoid the self-contradiction,the author suggests that followers of the `Sastra` abandon the simultaneity theory in favor of the opposite view. |
Table of contents | 一、部派佛法的時間觀 251 二、唯識經論中對時間的看法 254 三、成唯識論的剎那種熏說 256 四、成唯識論所破斥的時間觀與種熏說 258 五、成唯識論之時間和種熏說的困難 260 六、結論 264 主要參考書目 273
Hits | 1730 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2017.08.17 |

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