Author |
Source |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal
Volume | n.7 |
Date | 1984.09 |
Pages | 235 - 259 |
Publisher | 中華學術院佛學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為文化大學藝術研究所副教授 |
Keyword | 宋代; 羅漢畫; 禪月樣; 龍眠式; 十六羅漢; 禪畫; 佛教美術 |
Abstract | 兩宋時代是繼五代以來羅漢畫創作的鼎盛時期,在著錄 中如孫知微,王齊翰,武洞清,李時澤,成宗道,趙長元, 劉松年等人均屬善畫羅漢的畫家,但遺憾的是,除極少數 國內尚保存著畫蹟外,餘均已失傳,故無從知其畫風. 如 從著錄中細加探究,雖也可得知當時的畫風有精密細緻者, 白描清淡者,粗放野逸者等等,但終隔一層. 日人卻從現存 的羅漢畫跡中,依其作風之不同,而分成野逸派的禪月樣, 及世態相的龍眠式.
清涼寺本的十六羅漢是年代確定的北宋佳作,羅漢風姿 冷傲,線條明銳細密,是禪月樣和龍眠式的中間式樣.
根津本的十六羅漢相傳得自貫休的筆法,是北宋時代的 野逸畫風. 至於高台寺本十六羅漢則為南宋時代的禪月樣, 十六幅中,有多幅和台北故宮博物院收藏者相似,故極可能 摸自貫休的原作.
和貫休野逸畫風相對的,便是比較溫和的世態相,如東 京藝大的十六羅漢,東京博物館金大受筆十六羅漢,京都大 德寺龍光院藏的十六羅漢等等,其共同的特徵是設色富麗, 陪襯物多,羅漢造形接近人世間的僧侶.
至於牧谿筆禪意羅漢畫,則表現了禪家悟道的境界,其 趨淡簡,尚時快,不居形似的作風,則表現了禪畫的特殊韻 致.
本文所舉例證,為東渡日本的宋代羅漢畫蹟中,最具代 表性者. 自其風格看來,正可補國內畫蹟之不足.
The creation of arhat painting reached culmination in the Two Sung Dynasties (960-1278). Unfortunately,most of these paintings in China have been lost,and thus it is impossible for us to know their styles completely. Japanese scholars, however, have devided the styles into the romantic and the worldly according to the paintings that have been preserved in their country. The romantic arhat paintings are characterized by light,simple,clear, fast lines, without constraint of form; they display the spirit of Ch'an buddhism. The worldly productions show rich colors and many objects for contrast with figures looking pretty similar to monks in reality.
This paper lists some representative works of the period that are kept in the various Japanese temples and museums, and analyzes the differences in their styles. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 237 二、宋代的羅漢畫家 238 三、北宋時代的羅漢畫風 240 四、清涼寺本十六羅漢畫 241 五、根津本十六羅漢畫 244 六、高台寺本十六羅漢 246 七、台北故宮本伏虎羅漢及看經羅漢 247 八、南宋世態相的十六羅漢 250 (1)東京藝大本 250 (2)一山一寧筆十六羅漢 252 (3)金大受筆十六羅漢 253 九、牧谿筆禪意羅漢畫 254 十、結語 257
Categories | 繪畫 |
Dynasty | 宋代 |
Regions | 中國; 日本 |
Hits | 1525 |
Created date | 1998.07.22
Modified date | 2017.08.17 |

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