試論《金剛經》的地位, 流傳與影響=The Place,Spread and Influence of the Vajracchedikā-praj ā-paramitā-sutra |
Author |
Source |
南亞研究=South Asian Studies
Volume | n.2 |
Date | 1989 |
Pages | 30 - 36 |
Publisher | 中國社會科學出版社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 北京, 中國 [Beijing, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 出自王雷泉編 《中國大陸宗教文章索引》. |
Keyword | 金剛經=金剛般若波羅蜜經=金剛般若經=Diamond Sutra; 金剛 |
Abstract | 《金剛經》產生于公元前一世紀左右的印度,后經印度西北部傳到我國西陲,四世紀末經河西走廊繼續東傳。公元402年,鳩摩羅什在長安首次將其譯成漢文,自此,以長安為中心,迅速傳往全國,后來還傳到朝鮮、日本、越南等地,成為佛教史上一部極為著名的經典。本文擬對《金剛經》在印度大乘佛教史上的地位及其在中國的流傳與影響略作探索。
This paper discusses the sūtra′s place in the history of Indian MahayanaBuddhism, pointing out that the sūtra, the earliest one in the MahāyānaBuddhist prajnāsūtras, not only has the substance of a prajnāsūtra butalso bears characteristics of its own. The paper also analyses the reasons for the sūtra′s far-flung spread fol-lowing its introduction into the interior of China at the beginning of the5th century AD, the focus of the analysis being on its influence uponChinese culture and art, as well as upon Chinese Buddhist ideology |
Table of contents | 一、《金剛經》在印度大乘佛教史上的地位 30 二、《金剛經》在中國的流傳與影響 34
ISSN | 10028404 (P) |
Hits | 577 |
Created date | 1998.04.28
Modified date | 2019.11.05 |

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