聖嚴法師佛學著述簡介=Introduction to Ven. Sheng-yen's Buddhological Works |
Author |
高振農 (著)=Kao, Zhen-nong (au.)
Source |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.13.1 |
Date | 2000.05 |
Pages | 513 - 529 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Note | n.13.1為第13期卷上‧中文篇 |
Keyword | 佛教=Buddhism; 印度佛教=Indian Buddhism; 三寶=The Three Jewels; 四聖諦=Four Noble Truths; 正信的佛教=Proper Faith in Buddhism |
Abstract | 聖嚴法師是當代高僧和著名佛教學者,著述甚豐. 本文主要論述了聖嚴法師的《印度佛教史》,《聖嚴法師介紹佛法》和《正信的佛教》等三本重要著述,對這些著述的特色及其主內容,作了扼要的介紹. 認為《印度佛教史》一書,簡明扼要,重點突出; 抉擇真偽,見解獨到; 拾遺補缺,填補空白. 而《聖嚴法師介紹佛法》一書,由於主題鮮明,文字簡練,深入淺出,比喻生動,是本初學佛者值得一讀的好書. 至於《正信的佛教》一書,則以極少的篇幅,闡述了初學佛者及一般佛弟子所迫切需要了解的五十七個問題,都是條理清晰,見解新穎. 且所作的回答,都是開門見山,直截了當,讀者一看,即非常明白.
Venerable Sheng-yen is a well-known,highly accomplished Buddhist practitioner and scholar,and a prolific writer. This thesis is a study of three of the Venerable's works, The History of Indian Buddhism,The Venerable Sheng-yen Introduces Buddhism,and Proper Faith in Buddhism.The author believes The History of Indian Buddhism is a simple,well-focused and all-round work. The Venerable Sheng-yen Introduces Buddhism contains a clear,to-the-point outline of Buddhism with lively examples; it is a good book suitable for beginners in Buddhism. Proper Faith in Buddhism answers 57 questions beginners need to know,providing clear,refreshing viewpoints. All the answers are presented in a way easily understandable by the reader. Through these three books, we can have a glimpse of the Venerable Sheng-yen's erudition,his efforts to disseminate Buddhism,and his hope for the students to dedicate themselves. We can also have a glimpse of his extraordinary contribution to contemporary Buddhist culture.
Table of contents | 前言 一.《印度佛教史》 (一)簡明扼要,重點突出 (二)抉擇真偽,見解獨到 1. 對印度佛教史分期法的態度 2. 對大乘佛說非佛說的見解 3. 對《大乘起信論》一書的看法 (三)拾遺補闕,填補空白 1. 對古代印度地理環境及歷史背景的描述 (1)對印度及其人民的描述 (2)對印度宗教的描述 (3)對印度哲學的描述 2. 對近代印度佛教復興的敘說 二.《聖嚴法師介紹佛法》 (一)為何要歸依三寶作了含義深刻的論述 (二)對佛教及其基本教義作了簡明的闡釋 (三)對坐禪的功能作了近乎科學的闡釋 三.《正信的佛教》 |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
Hits | 827 |
Created date | 2000.07.22
Modified date | 2017.08.31 |

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