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關於宋代佛教寺院的長生庫=About "Chang Sheng Ku" of Buddhist Monastery in the Sung Dynasty |
Author |
黃敏枝 (著)=Huang, Min-chin (au.)
Date | 1998.08 |
Pages | 41 |
Publisher | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 其他=Others |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 原件提供:行政院國家科學委員會科學技術資料中心 NSC87-2411-H007-144 |
Keyword | 長生庫=Chang Sheng Ku; 宋代=Sung Dynasty; 佛教=Buddhism; 寺院=Monastery |
Abstract | 本文主是探討宋元佛教寺院對金融業的經營這問題,探討的焦點是所謂「長生庫」及「免丁庫」,其中尤其是「長生庫」更是問題的核心所在。所謂長生庫,是指宋元佛教寺院所經營的質庫或典當業而言,他與官方的抵當所和民間的質庫是相同的,對窮苦百姓提供必要的借貸和抵押。中國的典當業最早就是起源於佛教寺院,時間大約是第五世紀末期,唐代以前可能只有佛 教寺院經營典當業。唐代開始,民間也介入這行業。但從敦煌所發現的各種借貸文書來看,我們知道佛教寺院可能還是此行業中的大家。 宋元佛教寺院一方面繼承傳統,另一方面則在民間和兼併之家紛紛經營質庫的風氣之下,繼續這傳統行業。寺院長生庫的利息,大概以月息二分至三分為最多。寺院以金錢和穀物放貸,有抵押放貸和無抵押放貸這二種,因方式不同,故利率也不同。長生庫的利率似乎不比官方和民間高,有時候還特別強調須貸放給窮人這根本精神。所以他應不能算是高利貸行業。寺院經營長生庫,主也是要解決寺院的經濟問題,所得利息除供應僧人生活費用如粥食等,和寺院各種法事,佛事,及營造費用外,有時也作為購買寺田和度牒之用,為讓寺中行者可以正式剃度成僧人,購買度牒更是成宋代寺院的一大筆開支。南宋初年開始向僧道徵收免丁錢,寺院也設有免丁庫,藉此來籌錢,其經營方式與長生庫相同。 佛教寺院所經營的金融業,主以錢穀放貸,由庫頭或庫子負責錢穀的出入,他須小心翼翼的掌管帳簿,不得有誤。除每日須查考外,每十日和每個月,都得決算一次,特別是每月的決算書,須向住持報告,而年終的總決算書更須向全體僧侶報告,以昭公信。這些程序,我們在敦煌的借貸文書中,已很清楚的看到了。元代以後寺院經營金融業的風氣似乎逐漸減少,可能是民間經營者漸多,競爭激烈,生存的空間有限,寺院在其中所扮演的角色逐漸式微所致。
The most important commercial activity of the monasteries was "Chang Sheng Ku". The "Chang Sheng Ku" was pawnbroker. Pawnshop was began by the Buddhist monasteries in the early fifth century and only later become common in secular society. It was a high interest loans in the T'ang. The interest rates frequently fifty percent. "Chang Sheng Ku" was one of the commercial organizations that operate by Buddhist monasteries in the Sung dynasty. People who manage monasteries use donations from cash and rent of properties of followers to run business such that loan. A contract that contracted to make sure how much the interest is, what the interest rate per month is and ways to use. This contract let people who manage monasteries can not arbitrarily change the use of interests. Because "Chang Sheng Ku" makes high profit, every monastery always sets one or several "Chang Sheng Ku". Generally, the regular expense of a monastery is buying certificates of monks (Because government have to sell these certificates to compensate financial difficulty.) That is why "Chang Sheng Ku" also be called "Du Shen Jiu". Some monasteries buy farms or cultivated land to get fee of meal by "Chang Sheng Ku". Some monasteries use "Chang Sheng Ku" to buy kerosene of lights in those monasteries, so the "Chang Sheng Ku" was called "Wu Jin Deng" in those monasteries. In the Sung and Yuan period, "Chang Sheng Ku" almost exists in every monasteries. A special monk, who takes responsibility of "Chang Sheng Ku", should make an account balance every month, and do it again in the end of the year. The balance book should be read in public to check mistakes. |
Hits | 1080 |
Created date | 2000.12.07
Modified date | 2020.11.20 |
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