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生活中的七覺支=The Seven Awakenings in Life |
Author |
楊郁文 (著)=Yang, Yu-wen (au.)
Source |
第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」=The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century
Date | 2002.01.19 |
Pages | 30 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」, 法鼓山中華佛學研究所主辦, 2002年1月18-20日, 中央研究院學術活動中心. The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism:The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century, Organized by Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, DDMBA; January 18-20, 2002, Auditorium of Acemic Activity Center, Acemia Sinica. |
Keyword | 佛教與廿一世紀=Buddhism in 21st Century; 佛道; 七覺支; 生活=Life; 佛法; 四正勤; 修行; Buddhaa-sasana; 三十七菩提分法; Satta Bojjhanga; Dhamma; Satttatimsa Bodhipakkhiya-dhamma; Cattaro Sammappaddhana; Magga; Bhavana |
Abstract | (一) 二十一世紀的現代人,有慧根者仍然可以用《阿含》《尼柯耶》所提示的樸素,簡要,實用的方法修行. 佛法是以人為中心的,人間是解脫有漏的輪迴,改過遷善,修道成佛的最佳環境; 我們現在所處的地球,資訊交流的發達,佛教正法傳播遍布全世界,佛教所說的「八難」範圍更為縮小,比起古人,今人並非更加不幸.
(二) 現代接觸佛教,見,聞佛法者,是接受「完人 (佛陀)」的教育,從聞法,如理作意思惟法義而入道,如法隨順次第修道,行道,要於無佛世界完成佛道,成「完人 (如來)」.
(三) 佛道的修行就在生活中進行,有意義的修習以「三無漏學」為標準. 於「日常生活」中,持戒修身; 於「宗教生活」中,入定修心; 目的在獨處,待人,接物,處事時,具備正念,正知,修慧生正覺,以「正覺的生活」充足福慧,充實戒身,定身,慧身,解脫身,解脫智見身; 以正覺淨化貪,瞋,癡,解脫惑,業,苦,過著自在「解脫的生活」.
(四) 「滅惡增善」為佛法修行的主旨要義,「四正勤」為修行的原則,以「七覺支」實踐「三十七道品」為正法. 在生命開展中,生活過程當下,認真,努力,有效地實踐,修習多所作,改正錯誤的行為,改善有缺失的反應,乃至補養,充實完善的人格; 目的在解脫三障,具足五分法身,成就阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,自覺,覺他,覺行圓滿,自,他逮得究竟涅槃.
(五) 凡夫為生存,於生活中起無明惑,造惡業,受苦果,惑,業,苦三輪轉; 聖人就在生活中離無明生正覺,造作無漏的善業,承受菩提,涅槃樂. 生活即是修行,修行不離生活. 修行不只在大雄寶殿,念佛堂,禪堂,法會,閉關的道場裡; 獨處,待人,接物,處事的場合,都可以成修行的道場. 禮佛,供佛,誦經,持咒,念佛,參禪,修觀都是修行; 在生活中起無明,三渴愛,四取,造作三有,受三界生死苦的當下,具備四念處,操作七覺支,成就三明,心解脫慧解脫,是名副其實的修行,確實完成的道果.
(六) 由「四預流支」 -- 親近善士,聽聞正法,內正思惟,法次法向,得以「見道」- 現觀四聖諦; 見道已,具足正見,正志的發心,才能「修道」 -- 具菩提成分的修行; 以「七覺支」帶動修習三十七菩提分法,次第分證已,完成菩提,涅槃 -- 「證道」. 有關七覺支的修習,條列如下:
1. 修習七覺支的資糧:(1) 親近能授與七覺支法門的善知識; (2) 自己能如理作意,如法抉擇方便修習七覺支; (3) 善巧分辨七覺分的養素與毒素; (4) 具足正見持戒清淨維持良心平安. 2. 七覺分漸次修習滿足:(1) 如法修習四念處法門; (2) 如法揀別,抉擇善惡,精進於改過行善; (3) 但法自然得喜,輕安,定,捨. 3. 生活中適時調整七覺支,隨所欲覺支等至:(1) 捨斷五蓋; (2) 止觀等持; (3)安止善巧. 4. 生活中修習七覺支:生存,生活中時常碰到的食慾,性慾,瞋恨的處理,分別說明 如本文所敘述.
1. In 21st century,the modern people who have root of wisdom still can apply the simple,succinct and practical methods as indicated in Agama Sutras or Nikayas. Buddha dharma is centered on mankind. The human world provides the best environment for people to gain liberation from samsara, rectify wrongdoings, to adopt virtuous actions, and to practice to become Buddha. Today,the exchange of information is very rapid,and the Buddha dharma has spread all over the world,so the areas prone to "eight disasters" as described by Buddhism have become more narrow. Modern people are more unfortunate than ancient people.
2. In modern time,those who get in touch with Buddhism,and see and listen to Buddha dharma are receiving the education of "perfect man" (Buddha) which starts from listening to the Buddha dharma, contemplating according to the truth, thinking about the meaning of the Buddha dharma, and finally to enter the practice of path. This is to practice the path step by step in daily life according to the Buddha dharma. It aims to realize the Buddha path in the world of no Buddha, and to become a "perfect being" (tathagata).
3. The practice of Buddha path is to be undertaken in daily life. The meaningful practice takes "threefold learning of no mental afflictions" as the standard. In daily life,the practitioner observes the silas to cultivate one's body. In religious life,the practitioner enters samadhi to cultivate one's mind. The purpose:While the practitioner stays alone,gets along with other people,treats objects, and handles business, he should have right mindfulness and right understanding,cultivate prajna to develop right awakening,fulfill merits and prajna with "life of right awakening",and enrich sila body,samadhi body,prajna body,liberation body,and liberation wisdom and view body; The practitioner uses right awakening to purify craving,hatred and ignorance,to gain liberation from ignorance,karma, and sufferings, and to lead the free "life of liberation".
4. "To eradicate evils and to increase virtues" is the essential of the practice of the Buddha dharma. "The fourfold diligence" is the principle of practice. The practitioner uses "the sevenfold awakening" to carry out "the thirty seven paths". In the dev |
Table of contents | 一. 序言 二. 佛法以有情的人類為中心 三. 佛教的重心在完人的教育 四. 佛道的修行在生活中 五. 「修行」的意義 六. 生活即是修行 (修行不離生活) (一) 具菩提成分的修行 (二) 修習七覺支的資糧 1. 親近能授與七覺支法門的善知識 2. 自己能如理作意,如法抉擇方便修習七覺支 3. 善巧分辨七覺支的養素與毒素 4. 具足正見持戒清淨維持良心平安 (三) 七覺支漸次修習滿足 1. 有五蓋時 2. 止觀等持 3. 安止善巧 (四) 生活中適時調整七覺支,隨所欲覺支等至 1. 有五蓋時 2. 止觀等持 3. 安止善巧 (五) 生活中修習七覺支的例子 1. 有關飲食 (1) 依食斷穢食 (2) 觀食不淨 (3) 厭食患者 2. 其他民生有關事項 -- 穿著,居住,營養等等 3. 有關性慾 (1) 重視倫常者 (2) 潔癖者 (3) 怕死屍者 (4) 重視戒律者 (5) 慧根利者 4. 有關生氣 (1) 憶念瞋恚的過失及離瞋的功德 (2) 重視持戒者 (3) 重視修定者 (4) 重視修慧者 七. 結論
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Created date | 2002.02.13
Modified date | 2016.08.18 |
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