Dunhuang Manuscripts Online: The International Dunhuang Project(IDP)=國際敦煌計劃 |
Author |
van Schaik, Sam
Source |
The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century=第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」
Date | 2002.01.18 |
Pages | 5 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 英文=English |
Note | The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism:The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century, Organized by Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, DDMBA; January 18-20, 2002, Auditorium of Acemic Activity Center, Acemia Sinica. 第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」, 法鼓山中華佛學研究所主辦, 2002年1月18-20日, 中央研究院學術活動中心. |
Keyword | Buddhism in 21st Century; 佛教與廿一世紀 |
Abstract | The Buddhist cave complex at Dunhuang,located on the eastern end of the great trading route known as "the Silk Road",was in the first millennium CE a thriving centre of Buddhist activity. By the nineteenth century it had declined and was mostly derelict and deserted. Then in 1900 a monk,Wang Yuanlu,who was working on the restoration of some of the statues in the caves, discovered a hidden cave full of ancient manuscripts. In 1907 Aurel Stein visited Dunhuang and purchased many of the manuscripts from Wang. Shortly afterwards, Paul Pelliot,Sergei Oldenburg and other explorers visited Dunhuang and brought manuscripts away with them. These manuscripts, along with other manuscripts from Central Asia, are now kept in institutions all over the world,such as The British Library,the Bibliotheque nationale de France,and the National Library of China. The Dunhuang manuscripts, most of which date from the 5th to the 10th centuries, include some of the oldest Buddhist manuscripts in existence. They are very important for our understanding of the early history of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism,as well as forms of Buddhism,which no longer exist,such as Khotanese and Uighur Buddhism. The International Dunhuang Project came into being after a conference was held between the British Library,the Bibliotheque nationale de France,the Berlin Library and the Oriental Institute in St. Petersburg concerning our Central Asian and Dunhuang collections. During this conference it emerged that none of these institutions had complete catalogues of their collections. What also emerged from the conference was a common concern regarding the conservation and preservation of the collections. Since then the International Dunhuang Project has organised four conferences on the conservation of Central Asian antiquities and has developed a database with over 28,000 manuscripts and printed items. In March 1998 this database went online together with high quality images of over one thousand manuscripts, completely free of charge for anyone to use. On the database it is possible to search for manuscripts by any catalogue number:library catalogues or the catalogues of scholars. It is also possible to search for specific languages, forms of documents, general subjects, and the location in which the manuscript was discovered. For each manuscript,large images and catalogue information are,or will be,available. The site also allows scholars to log in and add their own information about ant manuscript to the database. At the moment,the Chinese scrolls in the British Library and the National Library of China are being digitized. The majority of these are Buddhist sutras. In 2002,work will be on the digitization of the Tibetan Buddhist sutric and tantric Buddhist manuscripts. At the next stage of the development of the database it will be possible to search for specific texts within the manuscript collections. This will be indexed and linked to canonical collections of Buddhist texts and to other online Buddhist text resources.
敦煌的佛教石窟群,座落在有名的貿易要道「絲路」之東方終點處,在西元一千年時曾為佛教活動的繁盛中心。到了十九世紀它已沒落,被大多數人所遺忘。後來在1900年,有個道士王圓籙,他負責修復部分石窟的塑雕,發現了一個隱密的洞穴藏有滿滿一洞的古代文書經卷 (or 寫卷)。1907年奧瑞斯坦因 (Aurel Stein) 來到敦煌,從王道士手中買走大量的文書經卷。隨後,保羅培奧 (Paul Pelliot),斯基奧登堡 (Sergei Oldenburg) 及其他的探險家趕赴敦煌,並且帶走文書經卷. 這些經卷和其他來自中亞的經卷目前保存於世界各個機構,例如:大英圖書館 (The British Library),法國國家圖書館 (Bibliotheque nationale de France) 和中國國家圖書館 (National Library of China)。大部分的敦煌經卷,其年代介於五至十世紀間,包括一些現存最早的佛教經卷。這些經卷很重要,我們得以了解早期中國和西藏的佛教歷史,及消失的其他佛教,像是契丹和維吾爾佛教. 「國際敦煌計劃」的成立,起因於一次國際會議的召開,各國關注對中亞和敦煌的經卷收藏,參與的團體包括大英圖書館,法國國家圖書館,德國柏林圖書館 (Berlin Library) 及俄國聖彼得堡的東方研究院 (the Oriental Institute in St。Petersburg)。在整個會議期間產生了兩個問題:一是沒一個與會機構擁有完整的收藏目錄,一是共同關心對經卷收藏的保存和維護。從那時候起「國際敦煌計劃」開過四次會以保存中亞遺物,並且架設資料庫,內有超過兩萬八千筆的經卷文獻和印本。1998年三月,這個資料庫上網啟用,附有超過一千筆經卷的高畫質影像,完全免費使用。
Table of contents | The Dunhuang Manuscripts The International Dunhuang Project The IDP Online Database Manuscripts Maps and Photographs Ongoing Work Buddhist Texts
Hits | 713 |
Created date | 2002.02.15
Modified date | 2016.08.18 |

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