Issues in the Use of Electronic Markup for the Comparative Analysis of Agama Literature=漢巴經典之比較性分析:略說電子標記的問題 |
Author |
Bingenheimer, Marcus (著)=馬德偉 (au.)
Source |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.7 |
Date | 2003.03 |
Pages | 361 - 384 |
Publisher | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 英文=English |
Note | 德國烏茲堡大學碩士=M.A., University of Wuerzburg
Keyword | 阿含經=Agama Literature; 巴利文阿含經=Pali Nikayas; 比較性分析=Comparative Analysis; 電子佛典=TEI (Text Encoding Initiative); 標記=EncodingMarkup |
Abstract | 本文是邁向創造一個先進的巴利經典與漢文阿含經電子版的第一步. 以比較性目錄連接巴漢兩個文獻匯編後,研究者可以TEI標記符號 (markup) 記錄其研究結果. 透過型式的標記語言,電子版可以標準化且精確的方式告訴讀者某兩個經典的關係. 由研究者自己決定記錄的內容,使用的標記語言及標記語言的表達方式. 本文1.,2.節敘述用標記符號之因. 接著以兩個例子在3.1及3.2說明比較性研究如何運用標記符號. 3.1說明如何使用標記讓所謂的「出現」(occurrence) 概念形式化. 「出現」代表某一個字,詞或句子是否僅在巴利文或僅在漢文或在兩種文獻皆出現. 這種分析,舉例而言,可讓巴利文的讀者知道某一句巴利文在漢文有沒平行的內容. 說明此方法的例子源於《雜阿含經》(大2.99.120b) 及相應部 (PTS IV,218). 3.2節介紹「內容結構」(content structure) 的概念. 設計一個敘述內容結構差異的矩陣後,我們可以簡單的以一行標記符號來表現某兩個經典有何種差異. 此研究方法可協助研究者從兩經結構性的差異獲得較具體的標誌,以探討巴漢文獻匯編的相同與相異處. The present paper is one of thefirst steps taken towards the design of an advanced digital edition of the PaliNikaya and the Chinese Agama sutras. After presenting the two textcorpora in digital form,and linking them by a comparative catalogue,it ispossible to encode comparative research using TEI markup. Through the formalism of themarkup language the resulting digital edition would tell the user in aconsistent and precise way about certain aspects in the relationship betweentwo sutras. It is the researcher alone whodecides what aspects to encode and how precisely to do so. The paper outlines (in 1.& 2.)the notion of markup and the reasons for its use in the present case. Then I offer two examples of howresearch can be encoded into markup. In 3.1 the occurrenceof a word or phrase in the Pali and/or Chinese is treated in a comparativefashion. Fully done,this kind of analysiswould enable,e.g. a user of the P?litext to know to what degree literal parallels to her text exist in Chinese. For an example,we look at agatha from the Zaahan jing(T2.99.120b) and its parallel in the Sajyutta Nik?ya (PTS IV,218). In 3.2 the content structureof the Arrow sutra in Chinese and Pali is analysed and compared. The results are encoded by way ofone markup line that describes the difference between the sutras according to apreviously devised matrix. This perspectiveallows precise,quantifiable statements of differences between the two corporaas a whole,based on structural differences between sutra versions. |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
Hits | 1990 |
Created date | 2003.08.29
Modified date | 2017.07.28 |

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