宗教師在安寧療護中的專業化角色初探─以佛教法師為例=Exploring the Professional Role of Chaplain in Hospice Care:Take Buddhist Monastics as an Example |
Author |
何婉喬 (撰)
Date | 2003 |
Pages | 156 |
Publisher | 南華大學=Nanhua University |
Location | 臺灣 [Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 生死學研究所 |
Advisor | 蔡昌雄=Tsai, Chang-Hsiung |
Publication year | 91 |
Keyword | 善終=good death; 專業化角色=professional role; 安寧療護=hospice care; 宗教師=chaplain; 臨終關懷; 佛教教育=Buddhist Education; 死亡與臨終=Death and Dying |
Abstract | 本研究關切的重點是,本土安寧靈性照顧的宗教師專業角色問題. 透過在台大醫院緩和醫療病房受訓過的佛教法師為研究參與者,探討佛教宗教師在本土安寧照顧團隊中扮演的角色,及影響法師能否妥善發揮安寧靈性照顧專業角色的相關情境脈絡. 本研究採質性研究方法進行,以紮根理論研究法進行資料分析,整理得出以下的結論: (一)關於佛教法師在安寧療護中的角色功能:包含直接照顧病人. 協助家屬和支持團隊成員,以幫助病人朝向善終. 照顧病人是以「觀機逗教」. 「感應道交」給予病人靈性照顧. 協助家屬部分是給予「引導方向」. 「提供安定」. 「建立依持力量」. 在支持團隊成員部分,則以「接受轉介」. 「共同合作」來發揮他的角色功能. (二)關於影響法師安寧專業角色扮演的情境脈絡:包含「培訓」「道場」「醫療機構」與「專業發展」. 培訓可以幫助法師從「做中學」來「充實臨床能力」; 法師要參加培訓或從事安寧照顧的工作,會受到道場的影響; 法師完成培訓,到不同的醫院和與不同團隊共同照顧病人時,會受到「醫院背景」. 「團隊特性」. 「團隊成員」. 「病人住院時間的恰當性」等因素影響其發揮宗教師的安寧照顧角色; 法師對其安寧團隊專業角色肯定之餘,刻正尋求建立專業的連繫網絡,以促進其未來專業發展的可能性. 本研究發現佛教宗教師在本土安寧團隊中的專業化角色雛形初具,有利於協助癌末病人達到善終. 研究結果可提供安寧緩和醫療工作人員指引,以瞭解臨床佛教宗教師的專業角色功能,有利轉介工作的進行或與法師共同合作照顧病人. 本研究所發現的概念性知識,亦可做為未來實質性理論的參考. The primary concern of this study centers on the professional role of chaplain in spiritual care of local hospice teams. It explores Buddhist chaplains’ role in local hospice teams, and the situational contexts that influence their performance in playing the professional role of spiritual care in hospice. A number of Buddhist monastics who have received professional training were selected as the research participants. This study is conducted in a qualitative manner guided by the grounded theory method. And he result of the study is as follows: 1.The role and function of Buddhist monastics in hospice care:It includes playing a role in direct care of the patient,assistance of the family,and support of the team,in order to facilitate a good death. In providing the patient with spiritual care,they tailor the service to their needs in terms of their differences; they also attempt to build a rapport with the patient while communicating Buddhist teachings to him/her. They assist the family by offering them guidance and support,encouraging them to remain calm,and enabling them to build their own strengths through practicing Buddhism. The monastics also accept referrals from the other members on the team and work alongside to support them. 2.The situational contexts that influence the playing of the professional role: The training program empowers the monastics through their actual,clinical participation. Most Buddhist monastics’ temples may restrict their participation in the training or their service in hospice care. After the training is completed and certified,the monastics’ clinical performance is determined by the hospital where they serve,the composition of the team,and whether the patient is checked in at a right timing. In affirming their professional role in hospice teams, the monastics are forming their professional association in attempt to facilitate the probable development of their professionalism in the future. It is found through the study that the monastics’ professional role of facilitating good death in local hospice teams is in a formative stage. Medical workers at palliative care units can learn more through this study about the professional role Buddhist monastics playing clinically in hospice care. It also helps them refer patients to adequate monastics, and work closely with them to provide care. The conceptual knowledge encompassed can serve as a reference for the development of relative substantial theories.
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與緣起1 第二節 研究動機與研究目的3 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 安寧療護的善終追尋7 第二節 宗教與安寧療護15 第三節 佛學與現代醫學22 第四節 宗教人員與安寧療護30 第三章 研究方法 第一節 紮根理論研究法簡介37 第二節 研究對象與研究場所39 第三節 資料收集方法及過程40 第四節 資料分析過程41 第五節 研究嚴謹度47 第四章 研究結果49 第一節 研究對象基本資料分析52 第二節 宗教師在安寧療護中的角色功能56 第三節 影響宗教師在安寧療護中角色功能的社會情境脈絡82 第四節 宗教師專業發展的期待—臨終啟示邁向未來104 第五章討論 一. 契理契機的宗教師角色117 二. 臨床佛教宗教師接受培訓對角色學習的重要性120 三. 法師在安寧照顧的角色功能明確是團隊依賴的對象122 四. 角色期待落差影響宗教師角色功能125 五. 出世精神入世工作朝向專業化角色認同128 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論134 第二節 建議139 第三節 研究限制141 參考文獻 中文部分142 英文部分145 附錄一 訪談指引148 附錄二 法師基本資料表149 附錄三 參與研究同意書150 附錄四 開放性編碼實例(部分資料)151 圖次 圖4-1 研究結果概念圖示 50 表次 表 3-1 原始訪談資料示例42 表 3-2 開放性編碼示例43 表 3-3 相似原始資料及編碼歸類示例44 表 3-4 部分原始資料及主軸編碼歸類示例45 表 4-1 宗教師在安寧照顧角色功能及其影響脈絡各類組及其相關主題51 表4-2 研究對象法師基本資料52 |
Hits | 717 |
Created date | 2003.9.18
Modified date | 2023.04.13 |

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