唐代文殊信仰興盛的政治背景=The Political Background of the Prosperity of Manjusri Belief in Tang Dynasty |
Author |
李海波 (著)=Li, Hai-bo (au.)
Source |
西北大學學報 (哲學社會科學版)=Journal of Northwest University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Volume | v.34 n.1 |
Date | 2004.01 |
Pages | 92 - 95 |
Publisher | 西北大學學報編輯部 |
Location | 西安, 中國 [Xi'an, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:西北大學中國思想文化研究所 |
Keyword | 唐代; 佛教; 文殊信仰; 五臺山; 密宗 |
Abstract | 文殊信仰在唐代達到頂峰與王權推動有直接關系。從政治角度入手探析其在唐代興盛的原因。首先,唐初開放性的宗教政策促進了佛教的發展,為其興盛奠定先機;其次,皇室對文殊道場的推崇在全國範圍內強化了文殊信仰的傳播和深入;再次,武則天的支援使文殊信仰盛行全國;最後,具護國護王性質的密教文殊信仰順應「安史之亂」之後的政治需求,獲得代宗朝的全力支援而達到信仰頂峰。
That Manjusri Belief reached its summit in Tang Dynasty and had direct relation with the state power. First, the religion policy in the early period of Tang Dyansty Laid the foundation for the development of Buddhism. Second, it was promoted by the royalty's canonizing Wu Tai Mountaion. Third, Wu Zetian impeled it throughout the whole country. Finally, it meeted the political need in the middle of Tang by being endowed by the Mi School with the function of protecting kings and countries, and then it obtained the entire support from Dai Zong Dynasty.
Table of contents | 一、開放性的宗教政策奠定先機 92 二、唐皇室對文殊道場的推崇 93 三、武則天對文殊信仰的支持 93 四、代宗對文殊信仰的推崇 94 |
ISSN | 10002731 (P); 10002731 (E) |
DOI | 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2731.2004.01.022 |
Categories | 佛教-歷史; 佛教-信仰 |
Dynasty | 唐代 |
Regions | 中國 |
Hits | 330 |
Created date | 2005.03.11
Modified date | 2019.09.27 |
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