禪坐之自我療癒力及其對壓力、憂鬱、焦慮與幸福感影響之研究=The Self-healing Power of Meditation and Its Effects on Stress, Depression, Anxiety and Well-being |
Author |
沈湘縈 (著)=Shen, Shiang-ying (au.)
林邦傑 (著)=Lin, Pang-chieh (au.)
楊淑貞 (著)=Yang, Su-jane (au.)
Source |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
Volume | n.7 |
Date | 2007.07.01 |
Pages | 63 - 103 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者楊淑貞為育達商業技術學院學生輔導中心實習心理諮商師、林邦傑為銘傳大學教育心理與諮商學系教授、沈湘縈為育達商業技術學院幼兒保育系副教授 |
Keyword | 禪坐=meditation; 自我療癒力=self-healing power; 壓力=stress; 憂鬱=depression; 焦慮=anxiety; 幸福感=well-being |
Abstract | 本研究旨在探討禪坐之自我療癒力及其對壓力、憂鬱、焦慮與幸福感之影響,研究者由禪坐相關研究文獻歸納整合出自我療癒力之構念,並根據研究目的與假設,編製相關量表,以禪坐者樣本251 人,非禪坐者263 人,共514 人,進行調查研究。本研究分析顯示自我療癒力有四個主要因素:1.正念,2. 慈悲,3.安定,4.覺察。本研究主要發現如下:(1) 禪坐者的自我療癒力與幸福感皆較無禪坐者為高,而禪坐者之壓力、憂鬱與焦慮則較無禪坐者為低。(2) 結構方程模式分析顯示禪坐所產生的自我療癒力可降低壓力並提高幸福感,且自我療癒力透過對壓力的影響,同時降低憂鬱與焦慮並提高幸福感。研究者根據研究結果提出建議,作為諮商專業、醫療機構、人力資源與未來學術研究之參考。
This study is aimed to explore the self-healing power of meditation and its effects on stress, depression, anxiety and well-being. The researcher reviews the literature related to mediation and proposes the concept of the self-healing power. Then, the hypotheses and measurement scales are developed according to the study aim. The data of 514 cases used in this study consist of 251 cases in the meditation group that practice meditation and 263 cases in the non-meditation group that do not practice meditation.The results of explanatory factor analysis show four major factors for the self-healing power, 1. mindfulness, 2. kindness, 3. stability, and 4. awareness. The major results are summarized as follows:(1)The cases in the meditation group have higher scales of self-healing power, lower scales of stress, lower scales of depression, and higher scales of well-being than those in the non-meditation group.(2)The structural equation modeling (SEM) for the self-healing power, stress, depression, anxiety and well-being fit in the collected data. The path analysis shows the following results. The self-healing power can reduce the stress and increase the well-being. Through the reduction of stress, the self-healing power can reduce the depression and increase the well-being. The researcher proposes suggestions based on the above results that can be used for professional consulting, medical institution, human resource units and future researches. |
Table of contents | 緒論 66 一、問題背景與研究動機 66 二、研究目的與研究問題 66 三、禪坐 67 四、禪坐與自我療癒力 67 五、禪坐與壓力相關之研究 69 七、禪坐與焦慮相關之研究 70 八、禪坐與幸福感相關之研究 71 九、研究架構 71 十、研究設計 72 方法 73 一、研究工具 73 二、自我療癒力量表因素分析 74 三、憂鬱與焦慮量表因素分析 80 四、主觀幸福感量表因素分析 82 結果 82 一、禪坐者、無禪坐者之自我療癒力與相關變項之比較 82 二、自我療癒力對壓力、憂鬱、焦慮與幸福感之因果路徑驗證 84 (一)理論模式與假設 (二)理論模式之觀測變項 1. 潛在自變項之觀測變項 2. 潛在依變項之觀測變項 3. 觀測變項之相關矩陣 (三)因果路徑之驗證 1. 整體模式適配度檢定 2. 模式基本適配度檢定 (四)因果路徑分析 1. 直接影響 2. 間接影響 3. 結果分析 討論 95 建議 97 一、實務上之建議 98 (一)心理治療方面之應用 (二)醫療機構之應用 (三)人力資源管理之應用 (四)其他方面之應用 二、學術研究上之建議 99 (一)輔以儀器與實驗性研究之配合 (二)深入訪談與質性研究
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
Hits | 590 |
Created date | 2010.08.13 |
Modified date | 2017.12.01 |

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