論金剛經的三層心 -- 「住相生心」、「不住相生心」、「無所住生心」=A Study of the Three Layers of the Mind State in Diamond Sutra : Attaching-Mind, Non-Attaching Mind, Pure Mind |
Author |
楊翼風 (著)=Yang, Yih-feng (au.)
Source |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
Volume | n.5 |
Date | 2006.07.01 |
Pages | 153 - 168 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為慈濟技術學院講師、北京大學哲學系博士候選人=Lecturer ,Tzu Chi College of Technology、 Ph.D. Candidate of Dept. of Philosophy, Peking University |
Keyword | 金剛經=Diamond Sutra; 認知=Cognition; 著相=Attaching to forms; 離相=Leaving forms; 如來藏; Attaching-mind |
Abstract | 《金剛經》的經文以討論「著相」與「離相」為主要議題,為使這兩個議題的內涵與機轉能清楚的呈現,本文將從《金剛經》中所闡釋的三心:「住相生心」、「不住相生心」與「無所住生心」等三個方面來探討著相與離相的問題。「住相生心」代表心向外攀緣、產生認知並執著於所認知的對象;「不住相生心」表示心不再向外攀緣及執取塵境,因此行者才有機會離相而反觀自性;「無所住生心」則是指「不住相生心」並反觀自性後,清淨心才得以顯露。本文不僅從佛教的理論來談,亦揉合生理學的相關理論來闡釋,期使《金剛經》這部家喻戶曉、膾炙人口經典的宗旨與意趣能更清晰的展現。
The main topics of the Diamond Sutra are “what is attaching to forms” and “how to leave forms”. In order to reveal its true spirit, this study will investigate problems of attaching to forms and leaving forms in terms of “attaching-mind”, “non-attaching-mind” and “a pure mind arising from non-attaching-mind”. “Attaching-mind” stands for that one’s mind attaches to forms of the outer world. “Non-attaching-mind” appears that when one’s mind won’t attach to forms of the outer world, one therefore will be able to turn his/her attention from forms of the outer world back to his/her inner-self and then penetrating into emptiness will become possible. And, after one attains emptiness, a pure mind will simultaneously appear. The study explores main topics of the Diamond Sutra not only in the light of Buddhist teachings but also physiology to reveal its significance to the public. |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 貳、「住相生心」與認知 一、何謂「住相生心」 二、認知作用的機轉 三、「無明」與虛妄 參、不住相生心 一、不住色聲香味觸法生心 二、離相與還滅 肆、無所住生心 一、意義 二、「無所住生心」與如來藏 三、聲聞眾的問題與《金剛經》的教導 伍、結語 |
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
Hits | 807 |
Created date | 2010.09.10 |
Modified date | 2017.12.01 |

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