殖民地時期真宗大谷派在台灣佈教的演變 -- 台北別院落成的象徵意義=The Change of the Shinshu Otani-ha's Missions in Taiwan: Focusing on a term from the beginning of the Japanese Colonial Period to the time of a Formation of the Taihoku Betsuin |
Author |
松金公正 (著)=Matsukane, Kimimasa (au.)
Source |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
Volume | n.18 |
Date | 2012.01 |
Pages | 139 - 200 |
Publisher | 圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College |
Publisher Url |
Location | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:宇都宮大學國際學部 |
Keyword | 準備期; 確立期; 展開期; 縮小期; 再生期 |
Abstract | 本稿以研究殖民地的佈教研究中,普遍被認為和殖民統治勢力最接近的真宗大谷派為目的,並藉由參考教派和殖民政府雙方留存的史料,考察當時台灣歷史的變遷。並且將台灣殖民統治初期至台北別院成立為止,劃分為四個時期。以釐清各個時期的特徵為主要目的。另外,大谷派這個教派在中國及朝鮮的佈教活動雖然作為其他教派的先驅,但以在台灣的佈教活動來看,或許可說是相對傾向於消極。換言之,觀察同一教派的活動不能僅限於一個地區,將著眼點放在東亞來考量有其必要性。
I researched about the change of Shinsyu Otani-ha’s missions in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. In my thesis, I would analyze its missions from the beginning of the Japanese colonial period to the time of a formation of Taihoku Betsuin which played an important function of its religious activities. A statistic analysis referring the number of temples or its believers showed that the Otani-ha took the Taiwanese as a main target of its missions at first, however, after the Taisho era, its believers were almost the Japanese. Comparing to other religious groups such as the Jodo-Shinshu Honganji-ha or the Souto-shu, the Shinshu Otani-ha could not increase its number of believers from the Meiji era to the Taisho era. After that, the Otani-ha gradually increased its believers and spread its influences. One of the mainreasons of the Otani-ha’s success was to change its object from the Taiwanese to the Japanese. |
Table of contents | 前言 143 一 大谷派的台灣佈教史研究 145 (1)大谷派的海外佈教史研究 (2)研究大谷派台灣佈教史的意義 二 大谷派在台灣佈教的量性分析 150 (1)大谷派台北別院 (2)寺院、説教所的設置與大谷派教線的盛衰 (3)信徒人數的變化 三 自殖民地統治初始至台北別院成立期間,大谷派在台灣佈教活動的演變 171 (1)自出張佈教至成立台北寺務出張所 (2)取得末寺帶動教線擴張 (3)台北寺務出張所扮演的角色 (4)從台灣佈教摸索台灣、南清佈教的新可能性 (5)地方政廳對佈教使的批評與評價 (6)蘭陽寺與台北別院的成立 結語 192
ISSN | 16086848 (P) |
Hits | 987 |
Created date | 2013.07.23 |
Modified date | 2017.08.09 |

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