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論《阿含經》與《莊子》於「命觀」之相通處=The Similarities in the Fatal Concept between “Nikaya ” and “Zhuang Zi”
Author 楊琇惠 (著)=Yang, Hsiu-hui (au.)
Source 成大宗教與文化學報=Journal of Religion and Culture of National Cheng Kung University
Pages69 - 88
Publisher Url
Location臺南市, 臺灣 [Tainan shih, Taiwan]
Content type期刊論文=Journal Article
Keyword阿含經=Nikaya-sutra; 莊子=Zhuang Zi; 命觀=Fatal Concept; 比較哲學=Comparison Philosophy
Abstract各個宗教及思想流派,都想為起伏無常的人生,找尋一個合理的解釋。以佛教為例,即以因果業報,輪迴轉世來解答這個問題。也就是今生所受,前世所為,一切由己,怪不得人。如是的言說,讓人在面對今生的逆境時,能心平意靜,甘願受報。然而,若佛教一味以因果業報來解釋一切的話,那佛教是否即是消極的宿命論,於今生,於來世都無有企盼了呢?對此,本文欲從佛教的原始經典──《阿含經》來找出答案,看看《阿含經》是如何解釋因果業報與此生命運的關係,及其對生命的態度。 不過佛教畢竟是外來的哲學系統,很難從佛教一窺中國人對命運的看法。所以本文試圖拿佛教的業論來與道家的代表──《莊子》來作命觀上的比較,如是除了能知道中國人的生命觀之外,還能理解佛教所以能順利傳入中國的原因所在。 至於,為何會選擇《莊子》而不選擇儒家經典,乃是因為佛、道於思想上較為相近的緣故。其實,早期在佛教初初傳入中土時,僧人為了讓中國人了解佛教「空」、「無常」、「無我」等概念,常借助道家的思想來詮說,這正是所謂的格義佛教。而道家所言之逍遙自在,不溺於塵俗,又以《莊子》最為著稱,當世人沉溺於名聲、利祿、知識、功勲的追逐或計較時,《莊子》一書往往能以過人的見識,背塵離俗,描繪出開闊無礙的逍遙、齊物境界。在這個理想的「心」世界裏,人從無己、無功、無名中解放出來,無待無求,自由地翱遊於無窮的境域,從容而自在。如是的哲學思想,其對於人生而有異的「命運」必然有一番卓絕的詮說。 是以本文即想要比較這等無拘無束的逍遙境界,與佛家去除我執,持戒修定後所展現出的清淨、解脫境界,對於「命運」有何相通的論述,致使歷來多有將兩者交互詮說的情形。

Buddhist sutra “Nikaya” believes that every single life started with birth, go through the old, disease, and at the end come to the death. No matter rich or poor, wise or foolish would inevitably go through into the phenomenon. Since it is so, what do we cultivate for?People are looking for the ways to improve the mental state, and the courage or wisdom to face the hard moments. But the ways of improving the mental state, or the courage, wisdom to face the hard moments are varied with each individual. Zhuang Zi’s philosophy shows superior wisdom. We can realize that when others took care about personal reputation, wealth, position or knowledge power, Zhuang Zi could be unconcerned about them, and depicted wonderful spiritual freedom. Some people think that Zhuan Zi’s mental liberation is similar to Buddhist philosophy. Buddhists believe that there is not anything can represent “One Self”, therefore there is nothing to persist in. Since no persisting in anything, Buddhists could reach the spiritual peace and quiet. Some people confuse these two different philosophies and think they are similar. But it is two entirely different things after all, we just can’t deny, the two belong to different ideological systems. In this research I would like to find out the similarities between them in the fatal concept. Knowing that this topic is quite huge, after choosing and selection, I would discuss the fatal concept from life and death, morality, good fortune and misfortune, fame, human body’s concept. Hope to find out why people always compare theses two ideological systems.
Table of contents一、緒論 71
二、兩者皆重視心念的轉化與提升 73
三、兩者皆不執著於生死 79
四、結論 84
參考書目 86

ISSN18136400 (P); 18136400 (E)
Created date2013.07.22
Modified date2017.08.16

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