論方東美對華嚴思想的詮釋=On Thomé H. Fang's Interpretation of Huayan Thought |
Author |
屈大成 (著)=Wut, Tai-shing (au.)
Source |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture
Volume | v.37 n.12 |
Date | 2010.12.01 |
Pages | 67 - 81 |
Publisher | 哲學與文化月刊雜誌社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為香港城市大學中國文化中心助理教授。 |
Keyword | 方東美=Thomé H. Fang; 華嚴宗=Huayan school; 杜順=Du Shun; 邏輯=logic; 法界=Dharma-realm; 判教=Classification of the Buddha's Teaching |
Abstract | 方東美出入中西印文化,自成一家,對佛教的探究和推崇,至為熱熾;其《華嚴宗哲學》兩冊逾千頁,援引西方逆轉觀念,詮釋華嚴經教;又提出圓融無礙的華嚴哲理,有補救西方二元對立的流弊之效,反映方氏的獨特視角和心得。可是,方氏非一般的佛教學者,少現今學術文章之尋章擇句,因而引述者不多。本文重點論介方氏對華嚴思想所作的理解和詮釋,希望其研究成果,能得到更多人的了解和留意。
Thomé H. Fang (Fang Tong-mei) was learned in Chinese, Western and Indian cultures and established his own school of thought. He is zealous in investigating and promoting Buddhism. His two-volume Huayanzong Zhexue (Philosophy of Huayan School) exceeds a thousand pages, in which he borrowed the Western concept of logic and interpreted the teaching of Huayan classics; he also brought up the Huayan philosophy of complete combination free from obstacles which produced the effect of remedying the deficiency of binary opposition of the West and reflected Fang's own unique perspectives and views. Nevertheless, Fang is no ordinary Buddhist scholar. Unlike modern-day's academic papers which are common in heavy quotations of passages and lines, his writings are rare in citations. This essay focuses on introducing and discussing Fang's understanding and interpretation of Huayan thinking, with the hope that his research outcome could attract increasing understanding and attention.
Table of contents | 壹、重讀《華嚴經》 68 貳、重釋華嚴思想 71 (一)重邏輯角度看華嚴法界觀 72 (二)對佛教傳統的批判 75 參、總結 79 參考文獻 80 |
ISSN | 10158383 (P); 10158383 (E) |
Hits | 528 |
Created date | 2013.07.23 |
Modified date | 2017.10.18 |

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