「中道」之根源義與衍生義 -- 依佛教倫理觀點作深層探索=The Original and ExtendedMeanings of theMiddle Path : A Deeper Investigation from the Perspective of Buddhist Ethics |
Author |
釋昭慧 (著)=Shih, Chao-hwei (au.)
Source |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
Volume | n.18 |
Date | 2012.09.01 |
Pages | 91 - 128 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Note | 玄奘大學宗教學系教授、系主任兼文理學院院長=Professor and Director, Department of Religious Studies, Hsuan Chuang University |
Keyword | 中道=Middle Path; 緣起=Dependent Origination; 十二緣起=Twelve Conditional Links; 八正道=Noble Eightfold Path; 緣起中道=Middle Path of Dependent Origination; 八正道中道=Middle Path-the Noble Eightfold Path; 八不中道=Eight Negations Theory of Middle Path; 四門不生=“Cannot come to existence from Four Gates”; 空=emptiness; 無諍=no dispute (abiding in harmony) |
Abstract | 「離於二邊,說於中道」,在《雜阿含經》中,經常是緊密連結「緣起」乃至「十二緣起」,以述「空」義或「無我」義,這是一種針對眾生普遍易犯之偏執,在知見、觀念上所作的導正。印順導師的《中觀今論》上溯原始佛教部分,即是依此主軸而作演繹。其後在《中阿含經》,開始出現了生活態度與倫理面向的「中道」義,這依然還是緊密連結「緣起」義,只是已進一步指向「離於苦、樂二邊」的生活態度,以及富含倫理意義之「八正道」。印順導師的〈中道泛論〉與〈中道之佛教〉,即是依此主軸而作演繹。本文有兩大重點:首先依《雜阿含經》談「中道」的根源義,即雙非句義與離四句義;是為「緣起中道」。其次依《中阿含經》談「中道」的衍生義,即「離於苦、樂兩邊」的雙非句義與「八正道」;是為「八正道中道」。依此根源義與衍生義的兩大探究脈絡,本文達致的研究結論即是:在原始佛教聖典中,知見上「非有非無」、「不常不斷」、「非一非異」等之雙非句義,與「非自作、非他作、非共作、非無因作」等之離四句義,正是「中道」的根源義;而生活上「離於苦、樂二邊」的雙非句義,以及倫理上、修持上的「八正道」,則是「中道」的衍生義。
”Without veering to the two extremes, the Buddha expounds the teaching of the Middle Path” In the Samyuktāgama, this teaching is always closely connected to the explanations of Dependent Origination and the Twelve Conditional Links, so as to present/illustrate the meanings of ”emptiness” or ”non-self.” This teaching targets a common challenge faced by sentient beings, attachment, and aims to rectify wrong view and thought as such. This is also the main theme that Venerable Yin Shun examined in his book ”A Contemporary Discussion on the Teaching of Mādhyamika,” when backtracking to the teachings of early Buddhism.Later, in the Madhyamāgama, the Buddha started teaching the Middle Path from the perspectives of ethics and daily discipline. These discourses are still closely linked with the teaching of Dependent Origination. But they have moved a step further into highlighting a daily discipline that ”does not indulge in the two extremes of neither suffering nor happiness” and the teaching of the ”Noble Eightfold Path” that has great ethical significance. The articles ”A Discussion on the Middle Path” and ”Buddhism - The Middle Path” written by Venerable Yin Shun, were elaborations on these themes.There are two main points in this article: firstly, to discuss the original meaning of ”Middle Path” by analysing the ”two-negations” and ”four-refutations” phrases, as found in the Samyuktāgama. This is the teaching of the ”Middle Path of Dependent Origination.”Secondly, to explore the extended meaning of ”Middle Path” based on the discourses found in the Madhyamāgama. That is, to analyse the two-negations phrase of ”not to indulge in the two extremes of neither suffering nor happiness, ”and the Noble Eightfold Path. This is the teaching of the ”Middle Path - the Noble Eightfold Path”.By further investigating the original and extended meanings of the Middle Path in these two aspects, this article comes to the conclusion that, in the sutras of early Buddhism, the ideology of the two-negations-”neither exists nor not exist,” ”neither permanent nor discontinuous,” ”neither identical nor different-and the four-refutations which explain all that exists-”cannot exist by itself, cannot be created by others, cannot be created by self and others, cannot exist without causes”-convey the original meanings of the ”Middle Path.” Whereas the two-negations that highlight ”do not indulge in the two extremes of neither suffering nor happiness” in daily life, and the Noble Eightfold Path that teaches ethical conducts and practice, signify the extended explanations of the ”Middle Path.” |
Table of contents | 一、前言 95 二、「中道」之定義與出處 99 三、「雙非」句義與「離四」句義──「中道」之根源義 102 (一)不落有、無二邊之中道義 (二)不落一、異二邊之中道義 (三)不落常、斷二邊之中道義 (四)不落來、去二邊之中道義 (五)離於「自、他、共、無因」作之中道義 (六)小結 四、從「中道」到「八正道」──「中道」之衍生義 113 (一)「八正道」之字源與出處 (二)「中道」與「八正道」之連結 (三)小結 五、結語 125 |
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
Hits | 1316 |
Created date | 2013.07.29 |
Modified date | 2017.12.08 |

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