國圖B.D.09092觀經變榜題底稿校考=A Study of The National Library of China's Collections of Dunhuang MS B.D.09092: A draft of inscriptions abstractto the illustrations to Amitayur-buddha-dhyāna-sūtra |
Author |
王惠民 (著)=Wang, Hui-min (au.)
Source |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
Volume | n.5 (總號=n.117) |
Date | 2009.10 |
Pages | 1 - 7 |
Publisher | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為敦煌研究院考古研究所研究員。
Keyword | 國圖B.D.09092; 觀經變; 榜題底稿; 第55窟 |
Abstract | 敦煌遺書中保留著一些壁畫榜題底稿。新發現國家圖書館藏B.D.09092是一份觀無量壽經變榜題底稿,通過比對,確定是用於宋初歸義軍節度使曹元忠的功德窟莫高窟第55窟的,而此前有學者已經比對出SP.76是第55窟的畫稿。第55窟觀經變畫稿與榜題底稿的發現,為瞭解宋初敦煌佛教與佛教藝術提供了一些重要資訊。
There are several copies of drafts of inscriptions as a particular preparatory materials for artists who working for Buddhist Grotto found in Dunhuang Manuscripts and they had got published one after another ever since they had been discovered. So far, we learnt that there are 20 copies of 12 kinds of drafts of preparatory writings (here refers to those particular preparatory materials for the illustrations to Buddhist sūtras, the number will be increased if we add up those preparatory writings for the image of Buddhist saint s) . Among those published preparatory inscriptions for artist, there are three particular draft s of inscriptions abstract to the illustrations to Amitayur-buddha-dhyāna-sūtra: P. 3304, P. 3352, S. 2544. This article will discuss a newly discovered copy found in the collections of the National Library of China. It is a piece of draft of inscriptions abstract to the illustrations to Amitayur-buddha-dhyāna-sūtra. By a careful contractive study, we are construed the content s of this copy has well been matched up to Cave 55 of Mogao Grottes Dunhuang which had been constructed in the Later 10th century by CAO Yuanzhong, the commander of the Return to Allegiance Army of the early period of the Song Dynasty. This article pointed out that this surviving preparatory manual will surely shed light on the study of regional Dunhuang Buddhism and the Dunhuang Buddhist art practices in the early Song Dynasty in such important information. |
Table of contents | 一 B.D.09092校錄 1 二 十六觀內容考釋 2 三 未生怨內容考釋 3 四 與莫高窟第55窟觀經變的比定 3
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
Hits | 710 |
Created date | 2013.10.03 |
Modified date | 2018.04.24 |

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