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《楞伽經》的知識意義探究=The study of the Buddhist knowledge in Lankavatara Sutra |
Author |
杜保瑞 (著)=Du, Bao-ray (au.)
Source |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities
Volume | n.1 |
Date | 2003.07 |
Pages | 209 - 241 |
Publisher | 華梵大學文學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 本文首先為參加華梵大學主辦「第十二屆國際佛教教育文化研討會」而作,會議日期:二○○二年七月六日至九日,地點:華梵大學。後經修改投稿華梵人文學報,修定版完成於二○○三年六月二十二日。作者杜保瑞,現職華梵大學哲學系副教授,一九九三年台灣大學哲學博士,專攻中 國哲學,並有個人網站:杜保瑞的中國哲學教室。http://www.hfu.edu.tw/~bauruei/ |
Keyword | 楞伽經=Lankavatara Sutra; 如來藏=Tathagatagarbha; 五法; 自證聖智境界; 宗趣法相; 如實法; 素食=Vegetarian; Bodhisattva |
Abstract | 本文探究《楞伽經》中重要名相的知識意義,首先指出,佛教經典的言說內涵必定具備知識理論的傳達目的,也因此存在觀念議題重點的互異現象,亦即各個佛經必然在知識傳達及理論建構上各有重點,因此《楞伽經》亦有觀念重點,此即本文欲揭露之主題。其次,各佛經固然探究重點不同,但是彼此仍應形成一統合一致的理論網絡,作者認為若能透過哲學基本問題意識之差異的釐清,即能將整個佛學史歷程中各階段各經論的重點觀念結構成一致無礙的佛學知識系統,這當然就需要有更具寬廣的知識架構的協助才能成功。因此對一部佛教經論的研究,即應扣準其作為義理創新意義的重要名相,一方面強調其在經論中呈現的義涵,另方面說明其在佛教知識體系中的相關定位,此即該經論之研究重點。《楞伽經》最重要的觀念表述應為「自證聖智境界」及「第一義」觀念的提出,此亦禪宗哲學所傳承的經義所在,本文對此進行了討論。此外,《楞伽經》中提到了「五法」觀念,文中對於「五法」觀念的知識意義進行探究,主要在指出它是一套包含了現象說明、及主體的正確和錯誤認識方式、及理想修證境界的整體知識架構,亦彰顯了佛教哲學的理論特色。另「意生身」觀念因涉及佛教宇宙論知識的認識問題,文中亦提出討論,重點在指出「意生身」亦為一相對性概念,就法身佛而言,智色不二,因此「意生身」實依凡夫眾生認識知能而說的概念,菩薩之意生身概念中亦有一肉生身意義在,而眾生之肉生身概念上亦有一意生身意義在,至於佛性存有者本身就是一智色不二的存在結構。文中亦另討論了「佛不入涅槃」及「如來藏概念」等的知識意義,重點皆在以哲學基本問題的分析架構重新認識這些觀念的成立根據及指出其重要的理論意義。
The knowledge of the Buddhist theory was widely spread on too many sutras. And each of them has their own main theoretical concern. On the appearance different sutras maintain different theories. But in fact different theories should be integrated into a united theoretical system. This is the author's attitude toward the way of the Buddhist study. Therefore there must have a way to do this study. The author tries to provide an analytical structure to help to understand the individual knowledge appeared on each separated sutra. And try to integrate the separated knowledge into a united theoretical system. In order to open this study the author starts to interpret the individual sutra's important knowledge in the way of analyzing its statement's meaning and theoretical connection. In so doing, this article will try to focus on one Mahayana sutra to tell its important knowledge. The Lankavatara Sutra is one of the most important sutras in Chinese Zen Buddhist School. There were really many important Buddhist theories presented in it. In this article the author tries to discuss the following issues: the knowledge meaning of the concept of ”Five Dharma (五法)”; ”Tathagatagarbha (如來藏)”; ”The highest wise (第一義)”; ”Self evident confines (自證聖智境界)”; ”Body by mind (意生身)”; and the idea of ”Buddha will necessarily confirm the bodhisattva become another Buddha in the future (佛必為菩薩加持)”; ”Three vehicles become one (三乘一乘)”; ”Buddha never stay in Nirvana (佛不入涅盤)”; ”The benefit of the Vegetarian (素食功德)”; ”Buddhist learning through the way of direct practice or theoretical construct (宗通與說通)”. |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 221 貳、佛經與佛學知識建構之關係 214 參、《楞伽經》的知識基調與觀念重點 215 肆、《楞伽經》的重要知識意義探究 216 伍、小結 238 |
ISSN | 18124305 (P) |
Hits | 807 |
Created date | 2014.08.18 |
Modified date | 2019.08.07 |
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