探討印順法師的生平與思想 ─ 以《印順法師年譜》、《真實與方便:印順思想研究》為例=An Examination of the Life and Thought of Master Yin-shun: With Special Reference to The Chronology of Master Yin-shun and Tattvārtha and Upayakausalya: A Study of Master Yin-shun's Thought |
Author |
侯坤宏 (著)=Hou, Kun-hong (au.)
Source |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
Volume | n.1 創刊號 |
Date | 2011.10 |
Pages | 185 - 210 |
Publisher | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為國史館纂修 |
Keyword | 印順法師=Master Yin-shun; 印順思想=Thought of Master Yin-Shun; 印順法師年譜=The Chronology of Master Yin-shun; 真實與方便=Tattvārtha and Upayakausalya |
Abstract | 印順法師是 20 世紀中文學界最具影響力的佛教思想家之一,在他70 多年的撰述生涯中,留下許多足以傳世的著作,本文主要以個人所撰《印順法師年譜》、《真實與方便:印順思想研究》二書,做為探討印順法師思想的案例,文中除扼要說明二書要義外,也著重分析近年來研究印順法師思想的心得與體會。文末特別關注「印順法師思想之整理與推廣」問題,認為應將印順法師著作全部翻成外文,引導國際研究者進入此領域;此外,《印順法師佛學著作全集》雖在中國大陸出版,並獲得出版獎,但如何推展、落實印順思想,還有許多需要努力的空間。
Master Yin-shun is one of the most influential Buddhist philosophers in the twentieth century, leaving behind many immortal works after more than seventy years of writing. Focusing on the two books written by author, The Chronology of Master Yin-shun and Tattvārtha and Upayakausalya: A Study of Master Yin-shun’s Thought, this article seeks of explore the thought of Master Yin-shun. Special emphasis will be made on the issue surrounding arranging and promoting Master Yin-shun’s thought. The author argues that efforts should be made to translate Master Yin-shun’s works into foreign languages so as to bring foreign scholars into the research field of Master Yin-shun. The author also points out in this article that although Master Yin-shun’s complete works have been published and awarded in mainland China, there is still room for improvement as regard to how to promote and practice Master Yin-shun’s thought. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 187 二、有關撰寫《印順法師年譜》的一些問題 188 三、《真實與方便:印順思想研究》內容概要 193 四、印順思想發展之綜合省思 201
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
Hits | 733 |
Created date | 2015.05.20 |
Modified date | 2020.06.09 |

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