為印順法師「梵化之機應慎」進一解=An Annotation on Ven. Yin-shun's Caution against the "Brahmanized Buddhism" |
Author |
侯坤宏 (著)=Hou, Kun-hung (au.)
Source |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
Volume | n.3 |
Date | 2013.10 |
Pages | 103 - 135 |
Publisher | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者簡介:國史館修纂處處長 |
Keyword | 印順法師=Master Yin-shun; 印度之佛教=Buddhism in India; 大乘佛法=Mahayana; 密教=Tantrism; 梵化=brahmanization |
Abstract | 印順法師在1942年所寫的《印度之佛教》「自序」中,說了如下幾句話:「能立本於根本佛教之淳樸,宏闡中期佛教之行解(梵化之機應慎),攝取後期佛教之確當者,庶足以復興佛教而暢佛之本懷也歟!」這五句話,可以說是印順法師研究印度佛教的「心得結晶」,對理解「印順思想」極為關鍵。「梵化之機應慎」這句話原是作為「宏傳中期佛教之行解」的補充,當我們提到「宏闡中期佛教之行解」時,不能忽視「梵化之機應慎」的深層含意,但印順法師對此並無進一步解說。本文擬透過:印度佛典中的梵化蹤影、梵化是否為印度佛教滅亡的原因、關於中國佛教「梵化」的情形等方面,論述中、印佛教史上「梵化」的一般情況,最後再就印順法師並非完全否定密教但對之謹懷戒心等方面進一步稍加論述,提出一些個人的看法。
In the preface of the 1942 Buddhism in India, Mater Yin-shun argued that Buddhism would be able to revive and be fully elucidated only after we base our belief on the pure roots in the initial stage of the Buddhism development, interpret the practice and understanding in the middle stage (the cautiousness toward the brahmanization of Buddhism), and retrieve the appropriate and accurate portion of Buddhism in the latter stage. The above can be regarded as the quintessence of Master Yin-shun's study of the Buddhism in India, and is crucial to our understanding of his thoughts. When it comes to the brahmanization of Buddhism, to which Mater Yin-shun gave no further explanation, we should not ignore its deeper implications. This article seeks to investigate into the brahmanization in the Indian Buddhist cannons and find out whether brahmanization was the reason for causing the demise of Indian Buddhism. It will also discuss the brahmanization of Buddhism in China and its relations to the case in India. Finally, the article will deal with Master Yin-shun's attitudes toward the above religious sects, providing some new observations on these topics. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 105 二、印度佛典中的梵化蹤影 107 三、梵化是印度佛教滅亡的原因嗎? 113 四、關於中國佛教「梵化」的情形 119 五、結論 125 |
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
Hits | 652 |
Created date | 2015.05.25 |
Modified date | 2020.06.09 |

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