原始佛法中的信與他力探源=A Research on Faith and Other Power in Early Buddhism |
Author |
溫金柯 (著)=Wen, Chin-ko (au.)
Source |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies
Volume | v.13 n.1 |
Date | 2014.09 |
Pages | 51 - 84 |
Publisher | 世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者為輔仁大學宗教所博士生 |
Keyword | 信=faith; 他力=faith of other power; 皈依=conversion |
Abstract | 「信」與「他力」是宗教信仰的特色。然而,佛教「是否有」他力,或「是否應該有」信與他力,卻有被否認或貶抑的傾向。但是佛教中存在信與他力的因素,卻是不容否認的事實。本文根據以《雜阿含經》為主的原始佛教經典,探索信與他力在其中的存在狀態。佛教從成立僧團伊始,佛陀就具有獨尊的地位,是佛弟子的皈依處;在解脫道上,佛陀與聲聞弟子之間,具有如母親哺育幼兒的關係。佛陀能夠幫助弟子不必經過太多的努力,就迅速體證解脫。原始佛教就已經高推佛陀的無量功德,並且把念佛當做最主要的修行法門之一。在佛教多元的解脫取徑中,念佛與念法,即重信與重慧,都是佛法的正常道。
In general, "faith" and "faith of other power" are characteristics of religion. Although this situation is also true in Buddhism. However, whether Buddhism has faith of other power tends to be denied; many scholars claim that Buddhism is without, or must be without "faith of other power." This paper aims to explore the state of "faith of other power" in the early Buddhism according to early sutras Saṃyuktā Āgama and so on. In the beginning, when the Sangha is established, Buddha as the refuge of all students has the status of domination. And in the way to liberation, the relation between Buddha and his students is just like a mother and her babies. Buddha can help his students to achieve enlightenment and liberation quickly and easily. In early Buddhism, Buddha is respected with his great merits and praying to Him is a main religious practice. In the Buddhist paths to liberation, praying to Buddha and charting the Dharma, that is, faith and wisdom, are essentials in practicing Buddhism. |
Table of contents | 壹、「信」與「他力」53 貳、一個宗教學界的常識:「佛教是自力的」?55 參、一個現代中國佛教思想家的呼籲:「佛教最好是自力的」?60 肆、從原始經典探索佛教他力法門的根源 62 伍、佛教他力信仰的根源:佛陀是救世主 63 陸、歸依:佛法僧即庇護所 70 柒、念佛是在多元法門中「徹底」的一法 74 捌、結語:在他力的基礎上發展自力 79 |
ISSN | 16843738 (P) |
Hits | 462 |
Created date | 2015.06.01 |
Modified date | 2020.01.16 |

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