時危聊作將 ── 中古佛教僧團武力的形成與功能=The Armed Buddhist Orders in Medieval China |
Author |
林韻柔 (著)=Lin, Yun-jo (au.)
Source |
成大歷史學報=Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies
Volume | n.43 |
Date | 2012.12 |
Pages | 127 - 176 |
Publisher | 國立成功大學歷史系 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺南市, 臺灣 [Tainan shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 本文為筆者參與國科會補助「年輕學者論文精進班 (97-99 年度) ,以及配合中興大學人文與社會科學研究中心 98 年度「環境變遷與社會規範」主題計畫進行「國科會延攬客座研究人才」博士後研究的成果之一。 作者為國家科學委員會海外博士後研究﹒日本明治大學文學部招聘研究員。 |
Keyword | 僧兵=monks in arms; 地方武力=local defense; 五臺山=Wu Tai Shan; 僧團武力=Armed Buddhist Orders |
Abstract | 中國佛教發展的過程中,基於教義與戒律,教團極少涉及軍事武力相關情事。然由史料記載中,仍可以見到僧圍武力的建立,或扮演維繫地方治安、協助軍事征戰的角色,或組成叛亂團體,造成社會的動盪。佛教接受並合理化武裝力量的存在,正是佛教與社會交互影響的結果。 筆者考察中國中古時期間出現的僧團武力,釐清僧團武力的建立,主要是基於面對戰亂時自街的需求。無論是南北朝時期參戰的僧人、晴唐之際組織自係或參軍助戰的佛教武力團體,或是唐宋之際的五臺山,幾處僧圍武力的建立,或由於尚武風氣,或由於位處邊境,均與當時的社會結構乃至於當地的社會環境關係、密切。由中古僧圍武力的形成,可見戰時體制之下,位處各股勢力交會之地,兼備地理險要形勢,實為僧團武力出現之關鍵。在僧團武力的形成與運作中,更直接地反映政教關條、中,政權與佛教之間的角力與相應,從而凸顯佛教雖意圖置身方外,卻難以跳脫社會之外。
By reason of religious doctrines and discipline, the Buddhist orders were rarely involved in the military in the development of Chinese Buddhism. According to the historical sources, however, it still can be seen that the armed Buddhist orders were built to maintain public security and provide military assistance, or else, to organize insurrectional groups which caused social turbulences. The Buddhists accepted and rationalized the existence of armaments, a reciprocal effect by Buddhism and society. 1 have investigated the research in the armed Buddhist orders during the Southem-Northem Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty, and clarified that these orders were built for self-defense at wartime. Regardless of the monks' taking part of the war, the armed Buddhist orders for self-defense or military assistance during the Sui Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, or the Mount Wutai during the Tang Dynasty to the Early Song Dynasty, the armed Buddhist orders were organized due to the climate of martial art leaming and the border locations, which were extremely related to the contemporary social structure and social environment. As we can see from the form and operation of the armed Buddhist orders, the competitions between political power and the Buddhist power directly ref1ected the relationship between politics and religion. This manifests the fact that although Buddhism intended to be an outsider, it was difficult to escape from society.
Table of contents | 壹、前言 130 貳、僧團武力的形成及其背景 131 一、個別沙門從武外學 131 二、殺生、從武與戒律 135 三、寺、院經濟及其社會功能 141 參、中古時期沙門從武的幾種類型 146 一、受迫充軍 147 二、護教助戰 151 三、邊境自衛 153 肆、五臺山僧團武力的形成與發展 158 一、方外與俗世交雜的邊境聖地 158 二、五臺山僧團及其武力 162 但、結論 164 參考書目 168
ISSN | 16839749 (P) |
DOI | 10.7076/CKJHS.201212.0127 |
Hits | 614 |
Created date | 2016.01.05 |
Modified date | 2022.09.29 |

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