宋以前台州佛教寺院建置考述=Historical Survey of Temple-Construction in Taizhou Prior to the Song Dynasty |
Author |
林韻柔 (著)=Lin, Yun-jo (au.)
Source |
早期中國史研究=Early and medieval Chineses history
Volume | v.3 n.2 |
Date | 2011.12.01 |
Pages | 125 - 156 |
Publisher | 早期中國史硏究會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 本文為筆者參與中興大學人文與社會科學研究中心「環境、科技與倫理」跨領域整合型研究計畫 (2010.07-2011.06),博士後研究「隋唐五代時期浙江天台山與周邊地區的 發展」研究計畫(NSC 99-2811-H-005-003)成果之一。 作者單位:日本龍谷大學佛教文化研究所客員研究員。
Keyword | 台州=Taizhou; 寺院=Temple; 浙東=East Zhejiang; 天台山=Tientai Shan |
Abstract | 本文以《嘉定赤城志》為本,兼及相關史料,考述宋以前台州地區寺院建置的歷程。據筆者所考,宋代以前台州佛教寺院的建置,多集 中於開發較早且位處交通要道上的臨海、黃巖與唐興三縣(吳越時之行政區劃),可見台州佛教的發展與台州地區發展相輔相成,說明了信仰的傳播隨著交通而開展,宗教場所的建立,需要一定的信仰群眾基礎;而宗教的興盛傳播亦有助於地方的開發。
This paper surveys temple-construction in Taizhou(台州) prior to the Song Dynasty. It is specifically based on the Jiading chicheng zhi(《嘉定赤城志》)and relevant historical records. According to my research, temple-construction was mostly clustered in Linhai(臨海), Huangyan(黃巖) and Tangxing(唐興), all of which developed early and were located on vital travel routes. Thus it can be seen that the development of the district and the development of Buddhism in Taizhou complemented each other. It also indicates that the spread of the religion began with travel, that building religious constructions required a significant amount of followers, and that a flourishing religion helped local development. |
ISSN | 20750366 (P) |
Hits | 536 |
Created date | 2015.12.23 |
Modified date | 2024.01.22 |

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