論《摩訶止觀、破法遍》之「一念心」 : 以「無生門破法」之從假入空破法遍為主 |
Author |
張麗卿 (著)=Chang, Li-ching (au.)
Source |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities
Volume | 天台學專刊 |
Date | 2013.05 |
Pages | 455 - 470 |
Publisher | 華梵大學文學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 摩訶止觀=Moho zhiguan; 破法遍=Pofa bian; 一念心=one-moment-thought; 觀心法=mind contemplation; 無生法=non-arising |
Abstract | 《摩訶止觀》是天台宗有關「止觀」的重要著述,一般學者注重其「一念三千」的研究,然而《摩訶止觀、破法遍》則是依無生法遍破一切諸惑,以眾生「一念心」為基底的討論,這引發了筆者對於〈破法遍〉之關注。「一念心」依〈破法遍〉界定為:以凡夫眾生而言,是顛倒與執著的妄心。研究目的如下:(1)闡明破除「一念心」有、無、亦有亦無、非有非無、乃至絕言之見是觀心法的重要基礎。(2)呈現破除「一念心」執著之實踐思維。討論結果得知,《摩訶止觀、破法遍》破除「一念心」有、無、亦有亦無、非有非無、乃至絕言見之執著,漸次斷除一切諸惑,發起正智慧,是為從假入空觀之觀心實踐。又破除「一念心」的執著,得以從假入空,使得「一念心」具有淨化的可能性,此「一念心」的淨化作用不僅僅是實踐觀心的重要思維,也是觀心實踐之基礎。〈破法遍〉破除「一念心」的執著,呈現了「一念心」的淨化之動力特質─由破除「一念心」執著而至體悟無生之理。
Pofa bian (Deconstructing Dharmas Universally) is the title of a crucial chapter in Zhiyi's major work on contemplation, called Mohe zhiguan (Great Calming and Contemplation). This paper expounds the first stage of Zhiyi's complex teaching of contemplation and purifying mental awareness from falseness, called ”entering emptiness from falseness.” The essential term in this section is ”non-arising,” and Zhiyi teaches that our full understanding of its sense entails the effect of purifying our mental awareness. This paper analyzes the deconstructive function of this mode of contemplation, unfolding Zhiyi's interpretation of ”non-arising.” |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 456 貳、有關〈破法遍〉「一念心」 458 一、「一念心」 458 二、「一念心」之因成假、相續假、相待假 459 參、破除「一念心」之有、無、亦有亦無、非有非無 460 一、破「一念心」之「有」見 461 二、破「一念心」之「無」、「亦有亦無」、「非有非無」、乃至絕言之見 464 肆、破除「一念心」執著之觀心實踐思維 465 伍、結論 467 |
ISSN | 18124305 (P) |
Hits | 226 |
Created date | 2016.01.14 |
Modified date | 2019.08.08 |

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