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由資源回收探討環境倫理:以桃園縣地區佛教慈濟事業為例示 |
Author |
蔡林樟 (撰)=Tsai, Lin-jang (compose)
Date | 2015 |
Pages | 141 |
Publisher | 國立中央大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 桃園市, 臺灣 [Taoyuean shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 國立中央大學 |
Department | 哲學研究所 |
Advisor | 蕭振邦 |
Publication year | 103 |
Keyword | 資源回收=resource recycling; 心靈環保; 知福=know your blessings; 惜福; 永續發展=sustainable development |
Abstract | 全球氣候變遷、溫室效應是目前世人刻不容緩欲解決的議題,它牽連到環境污染及生態失衡,令感受到妨礙永續生存和發展的威脅,而且,也形成人的心靈空虛,生命缺乏值得奉獻的標的,在空虛之餘,各種不滿、挫折和焦慮隨之而生,並衍生許多社會問題。亙古以來,人類絕大部分的時間都是在大自然裡生活,我們的祖先、甚至父母,終其一身,都必須櫛風沐雨,從泥土中爭取衣食所需,人類是與環境共同體。 多年來環境的淪喪,照出當年的美好與現今的窘況。那曾經魚群穿梭帶給人們多少快樂時光的泉源,如今卻埋沒在垃圾之下,面對失落,人們只是埋怨,卻忘了自己也有能力改變這一切。人類是大自然的一分子,自己的觀念和行為才是解決環境問題的不二法門。環保概念的養成必須從「心」開始,因為心靈環保才是萬宗之源,環保不只是生活哲學,更是生活藝術。 慈濟知福、惜福的心靈環保理論,與資源回收的行動,是「化腐朽為神奇、賦垃圾為新資源」的生命巧思,旣能節能減碳,又具有永續發展的效果。若能將環保概念生活化、資源回收化,那麼維持環境的潔淨與美好,就會變成每個人生活的一部分。資源回收是環境行動,也是環境教育,在做中學、學中覺,經過資源回收的洗禮後,讓人類活的更健康、快樂,也為美麗的大地盡一份心力。地球含藏的資源有限,以環境教育的火炬,導引人類文明的躍進,無論在經濟、在環保,在社會永續方面都極具關鍵。 以上就是本論關注的主題,本論透過「提問–探究–解題」的學術操作,試圖引導世人重新思考生活當下所面對的課題,並透過反思、自省,以活出真正的幸福。
It has now been the imperative issue for human beings to solve the problems caused by global climate change and greenhouse effect which have involved in environmental pollution and ecological imbalance, making people feel the threat preventing from sustainable living and development, and have incurred human’s spiritual emptiness for nothing worth to devote our life. Along with this emptiness, dissatisfactions, frustrations, and anxieties come across generating many social issues. Since the far beginning of mankind history, human spent most of the time living in a natural land. Our ancestors even our parents spent their entire life confronting winds and rains, fighting for cloths and foods from this land to meet our needs. Human coexist with the environment. Over the years, the lost of the natural lands reflects how today destruction has overshadowed the original beauty where fishes were freely swimming back and forth underwater, bringing the springhead for plenty of happy time. Now it is buried under trash. This frustration has made human beings just complain about it but forget everything can also be changed right from ourselves. We are all part of nature. Our concept and behavior is the only way to solve environmental issues. The concept formation of environmental protection must start with our HEART because the environmental protection of the mind can bring well-beings of everything. Environmental protection is not just a philosophy of living, but more like an art of living. The theory for the environmental protection of the mind such as “know your blessings and cherish them” and the action of resource recycling from Tzu Chi are the good living idea for “Turn piece of crack into magic, empower trash to be all-new resource”. This idea not only conserves energy and reduces carbon emission, but also has the effect to achieve sustainable development. If we can deliver the concept of environmental protection on our life and make resource recyclable, our part of life will change to maintain a clean and beautiful environment. Resource recycling is an environmental action, and an environmental education as well. “While working, learn; While learning, awaken to the many truths of life.” Through the experience of doing recycle, human beings can live ever healthier, happier and also help recovering nature beauty. With the limited resource on earth, the torch which can lead to advance human’s civilization is based on environmental education, which is also the critical key to whether economy, environmental protection or sustainable society. These are the topic covered in this essay. With the academic method “Query, Probe, Solve”, the content tries to guide people on earth think again the issues we face in the moment we live and live out the truth happiness by reflection and f-examination.
Table of contents | 中文摘要 Ι 英文摘要(Abstract)II 致謝詞 III 目錄 IV 導論 1 前言 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 2 第二節 研究現況與文獻回顧 4 一、研究現況 5 二、文獻回顧 7 第三節 研究方法與步驟 29 一、 研究觀點、進路與研究範圍 29 二、 理論參考系 34 三、 實際研撰法 35 四、 論文大要 38 結語 29 第一章 資源回收的發展現況及核心理論 39 前言 39 第一節 資源回收的概念 39 一、資源回收的意義與涵義 39 二、資源回收包括三種不同的作用歷程 40 三、資源回收的發展史 42 四、資源回收的現況 45 第二節 資源回收的理論基礎 48 一、垃圾形成的原因 48 二、慈濟心靈環保的內涵 50 三、解決垃圾污染之道 55 第三節 資源回收的發展與面對的困難﹝環境倫理的困難﹞ 57 結語 61 第二章 永續發展與資源回收的願景 63 前言 63 第一節 由永續發展的意義與意含出發 63 一、永續發展的意義 63 二、永續發展的意含 67 第二節 揭示永續發展的相關涵義及機關、學校、社團、企業的實務發展 72 一、永續發展考量的涵義 72 二、機關、學校、社團與企業的資源回收 75 第三節 資源回收的願景 77 結語 83 前言 85 第一節 資源回收與實作───以桃園縣地區佛教慈濟事業為例 85 一、慈濟如何推動資源回收 85 二、慈濟資源回收實務效益──以桃園縣地區佛教慈濟事業為例 88 第二節 實務的困難及永續發展的克服之道 92 一、實做的困難 92 二、如何以永續發展的理念克服困難 94 第三節 資源回收與教育宣導 100 一、環境教育理念 100 二、環境教育目標 102 三、資源回收與環境教育的關係 104 四、儒釋道的環境教育 106 五、資源回收與宣導 110 結語 116 結論與建議 117 第一節 結論 117 第二節 建議 118 參考文獻 120 |
Hits | 421 |
Created date | 2016.05.12 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |
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