The bibliographic record is provided by 李玉珉老師.
Author |
張總 (著)=Zhang, Zong (au.)
王保平 (著)=Wang, Bao-ping (au.)
Source |
文物=Cultural Relics=文物參考資料
Volume | n.5 |
Date | 2003.05 |
Pages | 1,65 - 74 |
Publisher | 文物出版社 |
Location | 北京, 中國 [Beijing, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:中國社科院世界宗教所、陜西省考古研究所。 |
Keyword | 三階教; 大方廣十輪經; 《妙法蓮花經》 |
Abstract | 陵四淳化金川灣三階教刻經石窟,1981年文物普查時發現。窟內刻經為佛教史上已湮滅的三階教教徒所為。其所刻經典,有三階教祖信行所撰之數種經典,向仔世孤木。近年經對此窟進行的全面考古清理調查,知窟內東西兩壁共刻佛經8部,總字數原達16萬字,現存經文字數仍在6萬字以上。此窟開鑿年代,據窟內題記并參考有關情況,應在唐高宗龍朔二年至咸亨元年(662-670年)間。
The cave was discovered in 1981 during an archaeological reconnaissance. The inscriptions were made by monks of the Buddhist Sanjie (three stages) sect that has long fallen into oblivion. They in-clude works of Xin Xing the founder of the sect, which have never been encountered anywhere else. Clearing of the cave in recent years reveals that as many as eight Buddhist sutras of a total of 160,000 characters were engraved on its western and eastern walls, of which over 60,000 are still there. According to the inscriptions, the cave was first carved somewhere between the second years of the Longxiang reign period and the first year of the Xianheng reign period of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty.
Table of contents | 一 概況 66 二 經像內容 66 1. 北壁 67 2. 南壁 67 3. 東壁 67 4. 西壁 69 三 小結 72
ISSN | 05114772 (P) |
Categories | 石窟; 刻經 |
Dynasty | 唐代 |
Regions | 陝西(淳化金川灣) |
Hits | 329 |
Created date | 2016.05.12 |
Modified date | 2023.10.04 |

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