慈濟宗門的經典詮釋與環境思想 -- 從故事佛學視角的考察=The Environmental Thoughts and Interpretation of Buddhist Canon in the Essence Tzuchi Foundation Stories--An Analysis of the Narration of Buddhist Stories |
Author |
林朝成 (著)=Lin, Chao-cheng (au.)
Source |
成大宗教與文化學報=Journal of Religion and Culture of National Cheng Kung University
Volume | n.21 |
Date | 2014.12 |
Pages | 103 - 113 |
Publisher | 國立成功大學中國文學系宗教與文化研究室 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺南市, 臺灣 [Tainan shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | (本文是曾發表在第八屆詮釋學與中國經典詮釋國際研討會會議論文) |
Keyword | 慈濟宗門=The Essence of Tzuchi Foundation; 故事佛學=Buddhist teaching stories; 人間淨土=Pure land in human realm; 環境思想=Environmental ideas; 證嚴=Cheng Yen |
Abstract | 由故事所構成的敘述力量一直是台灣佛教傳播的重要方法。以自己的經驗探索、實踐的智慧、行願的勇氣和經典語言的修辭,召喚了信眾的情懷和信仰的詮釋。故事情節提供了生命的實況、社會歷史的脈絡、時代的課題和宗教願景的元素,說故事的佛教把佛教理論包含在故事裏頭,由故事開展了佛教教義的詮釋。 本文以證嚴法師慈濟宗門為中心,從故事佛學的視角考察慈濟如何將高度抽象的全球暖化,轉譯成佛教的經典語言。證嚴以以佛教式的定型句和佛教的概念作為故事主軸,述說全球暖化的危機和生命無常,並提出地球作為生命共同體的世界觀和救度觀。這種新型態的救度觀,擴展了「人間淨土」的論述,從環境行動中實踐佛陀的教導,也將佛教的經典轉化為環境思想的文本。
Story-telling has always been an important and powerful means for the spread of Buddhism in Taiwan. In stories, the real life experience, the wisdom of practicing Buddhist teachings, and the courage to fulfill one’s vows are expressed with the rhetoric drawing from Buddhist canons. The power of these stories not only solidifies the followers’ faith but also inspire them to form their interpretations of the Buddhist teachings. The plots of the story are usually based on the authors’ life experience in a given historical context, so the plots often reflect the issues that people are facing at the time and the vision of a Buddhist figure as a response to these issues are also included in the narration of the stories. In many Buddhist stories, Buddhist ethics are also unfolded through the narration of the stories. Therefore, the story-teller’s interpretations of Buddhist teachings are reflected in the languages of the story. This paper analyzes a group of Buddhist stories told by Master Cheng Yen, the founder of Tzuchi (Buddhist Compassion Relief TCBC Foundation) that expresses the essence of this charity group. Through the narration of these stories, Master Cheng Yen readdresses the issue of global warming by using the languages drawn from Buddhist canons. With set phrases and ideas from Buddhist canons as the main components of her stories, Master Cheng Yen proposed a view for salvation by seeing the entire earth as an organic collective entity. This new idea of salvation has broadened the existing discussions about the concept of “pure land in the human realm.” Buddhist teachings were practiced through the actions to purify the environment, and Buddhist canons become theoretical foundations for environmental protection. |
Table of contents | 一、 前言 3 二、 慈濟宗門的故事佛學 4 1.環保思想與故事情節 5 2.膚慰地球的故事佛學 7 3.在地生成的日常生活實踐 9 4.心室效應視野下的全球氣候變遷 10 三、 結論 10
ISSN | 18136400 (P); 18136400 (E) |
Hits | 1411 |
Created date | 2016.05.19 |
Modified date | 2017.08.16 |

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