普光《俱舍論記》的注疏與思想特色=The Thought and Commentary of Puguang's “Kusharonk” |
Author |
釋悟殷 (著)=Shih, Wu-yin (au.)
Source |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
Volume | n.24 |
Date | 2015.09.01 |
Pages | 133 - 167 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:佛教弘誓學院研究部教師 宗教容忍與言論自由專輯 |
Keyword | 普光=Puguang; 大乘光=the Light of Mahayana; 玄奘=Hsuanchuang; 《俱舍論記》="Kusharonki" |
Abstract | 釋普光法師,為玄奘大師門人,或稱「大乘光」。在大師座下,普光大都擔任「筆受」的重任。傳說大師譯出《俱舍論》,普光「親承密誨」大師口傳西印薩婆多部義,於是作《俱舍論記》,記載印度風土人情,部派論書、論師思想,評比新舊譯《俱舍論》的對錯優劣,羅列新舊俱舍師的異見,為《俱舍論》的研究,留下豐富資料。普光《俱舍論記》為《俱舍論》三大疏之一,與法寶及神泰所著之《俱舍論疏》齊名。雖然他的某些見解,同門之法寶常予論斥,甚至在千年之後,異域學者法幢亦橫加譏議,但它保留了玄奘大師親傳印度聲聞部派的思想及諸師異說,在聲聞部派的研究上,具有舉足輕重之地位。他畢生勤勤懇懇筆錄大師翻譯的經論,《宋高僧傳》言「左右三藏之美,光有功焉」,誠然不虛。
Master Shih Puguang, a disciple of Master Hsuanchuang, was also named "the Light of Mahayana". As one of the chief pupils of Master Hsuanchuang, Puguang was a scholar in charge of scribes (bi shou 筆受). It is said that Puguang was personally instructed by Master Hsuanchuang to help with adapting the oral transmission of the "Kusharon" ("Abhidharma-kośa" 俱舍論) following the West Indian Sapoduobu school (Sarvāstivāda, 說一切有部). Accordingly, Puauang wrote the "Kusharonki" to describe the local customs of India, the theories of early Buddhist schools, and the concepts of early Buddhist scholars. His writings also evaluate the pros and cons of the ancient and newer translations of "Kusharon", and enumerate the different opinions among scholars. The "Kusharonki" (俱舍論記) has provided a great source of information for future academic studies of the "Kusharon". The three major annotations of the "Kusharon": the "Kusharonki" of Puguang, the "Kusharon sho" (俱舍論疏) of Fabao (法寶) and the Shentai (神泰), have acquired comparable reputations. As fellow-disciples of Master Hsuanchuang, Puguang and Fabao hold different views of Buddhism. Puguang was frequently criticized by Fabao and even after a thousand years, serious criticisms had been voiced by a foreigner scholar, Fachuang. Having an influence on the oral transmission of Master Hsuanchuang's teachings, Puguang has preserved the original concepts of Sāvaka and different thoughts of Indian scholars. His writing plays a pivotal role in the investigations of early Buddhist schools. Puguang worked intensely with Master Hsuanchuang on the translation of Buddhist scriptures. This provided the basis for the opinion in the "Song Biographies of Eminent Monks" ("Song gaosengzhuan" 宋高僧傳) that Puguang was instrumental in "the brilliant success of Tipitaka". |
Table of contents | 摘要 133 Abstract 134 一、前言 136 二、普光生平事跡 137 (一)生平事跡 137 (二)何以署名「大乘光」 139 (三)造《俱舍論記》的年代 140 三、新譯和舊譯的爭議 143 (一)現在法是否有「非得」144 (二)常非果因 147 四、風土人情、論師與論書 149 (一)風土人情 150 1、地名 150 2、果物、花木 152 3、社會關懷 153 (二)論師與論書 154 1、真諦三藏 154 2、鳩摩邏多 156 3、德光《辯真論》 158 (三)小結 160 五、普光的學思意趣 160 (一)初果受生次數 160 (二)順解脫分善根與順決擇分善根 161 (三)同分與彼同分 163 (四)小結 165 六、結語 165 參考書目 166 |
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
Hits | 686 |
Created date | 2016.06.16 |
Modified date | 2017.12.08 |

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