從「四大」原理談佛教養生學=Buddhist Regimens : from the Four-Element Principle's Point of View |
Author |
釋性廣 (著)=Shih, Sing-kuang (au.)
Source |
玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
Volume | n.25 佛教女性專輯 |
Date | 2016.03.01 |
Pages | 129 - 163 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:玄奘大學宗教與文化學系助理教授 |
Keyword | 佛教養生法=Buddhist Regimens; 四大=four elements; 觸食=food from touch; 四大調和=four elements are in harmonious; 四威儀=four dignified manners |
Abstract | 本文以佛法觀點提出健身療病的養生原理與調身功法。主要學理依據,出自於佛教經典;而調身平衡的功法設計,則援引『身念處』修行內容,故名之為『佛教養生法』。具體內容為: 一、以佛法的色法『四大』說,說明人體的物質特性與結構內容。 二、以佛經所說:『四大不調則身苦』,『四大調合則病癒』的平衡法則,解釋產生疾病的原因與維護健康的方法。 三、以佛教的『身念處』中,姿勢的『四威儀』,呼吸的『持息念』與色身的四界觀,設計簡易具體的調身功法。 四、以禪修的『正念正知』原則,做為學習心法,在養生健康的利益中,更得靜念澄心的功德。期能身心皆調柔,康寧修定慧。 此一佛教養生法,有清晰明確的理論基礎,有簡要易學的實作功法,更有顯著全面的調理效果。因應各人的不同需求,可以提供三方面的幫助。首先,幫助人類增進健康。現代生活多靜少動,身體多有淤滯僵硬的狀況,此一養生法能有效化解痠痛,提升體能,療病健身。其二,幫助修行者增進禪力。其中的『四界調柔法』,能直接、快速而有效地解除身體長時久坐的不適,使身心輕安,益於止觀修行。其三、幫助菩薩行者增進堪能力。大乘行者修學威儀將使人敬重,調柔四界則耐力增強,對於利生志業的推動具有實務教化功能。
This article provides principles of improving health and regimens of exercise beneficial to physical body from the Buddhist point of view. The main theoretical basis comes from the Buddhist scripture while the idea of designing the exercises to adjust the balance of the body is inspired from the Buddhist scripture on practicing "mindfulness of the body". Therefore, this regimen is named "Buddhist regimen". The main contents are as follows: First, explaining the human body's material characteristics and its structure by means of the Buddhist doctrine-mainly, four elements of substance. Second, according to the Buddhist scripture, the law of balance, "If the four elements are not in harmony, the body will suffer" or "If the four elements are in harmony, the body will recover from an illness" explains the cause of a disease and how to maintain health. Third, the author designs simple and applicable exercises based on Buddhist "the mindfulness of the body"-to adjust the postures back to "four dignified manners", to maintain moment-by-moment mindfulness of breathing and to remind oneself of keeping the balance of the four features in the physical body. Fourth, one applies the principle of "correct mindfulness and sampajanna" from the meditation for the core of learning. Moreover, with the benefit of maintaining good health, one even has the tranquility in mind and enlightenment. Hopefully, one can be harmonious in both mind and body, and through practicing meditation, one can attain wisdom at ease. There are a clear and explicit theoretical basis, brief and simple exercises to learn, and most importantly, an overall remarkable recuperating effect in this Buddhist regimen. To satisfy different needs, it can provide help in three aspects. First, helping people improve their health. People who live in a modern life tend to be more static and take little exercise, so they may have more stasis and their body may become stiff. This regimen can effectively relieve the pain, improve physical fitness, and make healing and good health possible. Second, helping practitioners promote meditation force. Among them, "the four-feature softening method" can directly, quickly and effectively alleviates physical discomfort caused by sedentariness for a long time, and make body and mind at ease; moreover, it is beneficial to mindful meditation. Third, helping the Bodhisattvas promote their ability of endurance. If Mahayana practitioners pay attention to their dignified manners, they will be respected. Their endurance may get stronger because of reconciling four features, so it is very helpful to promote charity business. |
Table of contents | 摘要 129 Abstract 131 一、引言 133 (一)四食益生命 133 (二)佛教養生觀 135 二、四大調和則身安 136 (一)四大組成色身 137 (二)四大不調則病生 139 (三)四大調和則病癒 140 (四)小結 140 三、『四界調和』養生法 142 (一)功法設計原理 142 (二)四儀正姿法 143 1、四類判準 144 (1)真理判準 144 (2)倫理判準 145 (3)效益判準 145 (4)美感判準 147 2、三項平衡 148 (1)整體平衡 148 (2)結構平衡 149 (3)實用法則 149 3、三階進展 150 (1)覺起即調 150 (2)念茲在茲 151 (3)任運自然 151 (三)四界調柔法 151 1、觸食增益 152 2、調柔部位 152 3、質量基數 153 四、成效舉例 154 (一)腎並症候群 154 (二)胃食道逆流 156 (三)肌肉痠痛 157 五、結論 159 (一)有法理依據 159 (二)有操作方法 159 (三)有具體效果 161 (四)簡易易學 161 (五)全面調理 161 (六)即淺即深 162 參考書目 162 一、藏經 162 二、專書 163 |
ISSN | 18133649 (P) |
Hits | 454 |
Created date | 2016.06.22 |
Modified date | 2022.03.04 |

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