Author |
Source |
Date | 2016.05.21 |
Location | 嘉義, 臺灣 [Chia-i, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 主辦單位:佛光山人間佛教研究院、南華大學人間佛教研究與推廣中心、南華大學生命教育研究中心 |
Keyword | 佛教文化; 大學生; 自我改善; 生死學 |
Abstract | 規劃中,本科的四年,是學生夯實未來基礎。現實中,因於專業興趣,高校管理諸多因素,大多數學生的四年相比於高中階段是放逸、迷茫的四年。學生考進高校,目的本不再以遊戲、應試、兼職、社交等方式虛度年華,缺乏的只是引導--再如實知見社會實況,尤其是職業市場的畦田下,激發起自我改善以適應畢業後的生活與工作。然而,職場等社會現實畢竟是充滿種種不如意乃至種種艱辛,在引導中若平鋪直述,容易導致學生的"看破"而產生畏懼、頹廢。以"死後有來生"、"如因是、如是果"等佛教觀念,正是破解此一弊端的不二法門。如何把這些觀念植入於學生的觀念中?此中有三個難題:學生們此前乃至當下成長、生活於無神論的環境;佛學,對大多數非信眾而言是關於死亡的宗教、或者是人生失意者的歸屬;如何把佛學與學生的未來發展結合起來。本論文做為過去數十年的教學總論,就此難題提供了相關的解決路徑。
According the original plan of college education, the four year academic training will help them get prepared for future challenges. But the reality tells a different story. Because of lack of interest in their major and all sorts of administrative problems, the students are not stressed out and the campus life is not very competitive. Gradually, they are accustomed to the loose atmosphere and soon losing their aspiration and getting confused. It is clear that college students should not spend their time fooling around, playing computer games, applying for different jobs, taking endless part-time and engaging in all sorts of social activities. What they are in need of is proper guidance. With a proper understanding of the status quo, and specific knowledge of the job market, the self-improving mechanism will be simulated as to be prepared them for future tasks and life after graduation. However, challenges are unpredicted and reality is cruel. Unaffectionate guidance may tell the truth, but can also leave the wrong impression that the world is cruel and we are helpless. The Buddhist instruction, or the ideas of "life after death"and "Karma"-- the sum of a person's actions in one of his successive lives, believed to decide his future in the next, is the one and only way to deal with problem. Then how to instill those ideas to the people's mind. Three questions are to be addressed: they are brought up as atheists, the environment is hostile to religious belief; they understand Buddhism as the religion of death, and they way out for losers; and how to combine Buddhist belief with students future development. Based on year's teaching experience, this is to provide solutions to those problems. |
Table of contents | 一、緣起 (一)切入點 (二)開課前的準備 二、解惑:關於死亡的教、育 (一)教學方法 (二)教學內容 三、授業:關於生的教、育 (一)以終為始的規劃 (二)可落地的健行路徑 四、傳道 -- 點亮心燈 (一)諮詢 (二)讀書 五、結束語 |
Hits | 1247 |
Created date | 2016.06.23 |
Modified date | 2016.06.23 |

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