當代禪宗女性對「大丈夫」修辭的新詮釋和修行實踐=Da Zhangfu in Chan: Its Gender Significance and Women’s Practice in Contemporary Taiwan |
Author |
釋常諗 (著)=Shi, Chang-shen (au.)
Source |
聖嚴研究:第八輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.8
Date | 2016.06 |
Pages | 63 - 89 |
Publisher | 法鼓文化 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
Series | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
Series No. | 8 |
Content type | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:法鼓文理學院兼任助理教授=Assistant Professor, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts |
Keyword | 禪=Chan; 性別研究; 臺灣; 法鼓山=Dharma Drum Mountain; 當代佛教; Women and Buddhism; Buddhist Nuns; Gender; Taiwanese Buddhism; Religion and Society |
Abstract | 佛經與禪宗文獻裡,常用「丈夫」、「大丈夫」、「丈夫相」等修辭,指涉修行有成的人或特質。佛教性別研究學者批評這些修辭反應了男性中心主義(androcentrism)和父權中心,以男性特質(masculinity)或男性做為神聖和修道標準,忽略女性成道的歷史事實,和否定女性特質(femininity)和女性修道的可能性。本文以法鼓山比丘尼的訪談資料,探討當代臺灣禪宗比丘尼如何重新詮釋經典語言和修行實踐。 本文第一部分,先就佛經裡「大丈夫」修辭做語言的探討,並以女性主義語言哲學批判角度,提出對目前佛教性別研究以「大丈夫」等同「男性」的不同看法。本文提出另一個觀點,「大丈夫」做為修道有成之人的「統稱」或「通稱」(a generic term),並非專指「男性」,而是同時包含男性與女性。佛教的男性中心主義潛在意識,並非在於「大丈夫」等於「男性」,而在於用男性代名詞「丈夫」(而非女性或中性代名詞)指涉修道有成之人的統稱或通稱,因此是「強化」而非「鬆動」既有父權社會的文化想像。 本文第二部分,以法鼓山比丘尼的訪談資料顯示,佛教的經典語言和修道實踐,並非為前者單方影響後者。經典語言在當代,隨社會時空變化,實踐者有其新詮釋與實踐。當代臺灣禪宗比丘尼有著對「大丈夫」更為「基進」(radical)的詮釋和修道實踐:「大丈夫」既不指涉男性(男性中心主義),也不同時指涉男性與女性(統稱或通稱),而是既非男性,亦非女性。法鼓山比丘尼以禪宗「無我」、「無分別相」、「平等」的般若教法與實踐,開展出性別二元對立之外的可能,呈現當代臺灣禪宗出家女性對「大丈夫」修辭的重新詮釋和修道實踐。
This paper explores the gender identity of Chan Buddhist nuns in contemporary Taiwan. First, drawing from feminist critics on the philosophy of language and critical reading of Buddhist scriptures, I will discuss the rhetoric of da zhangfu 大丈夫 (a Great Man or a Virtuous Man) as a generic noun to designate a spiritually advanced person, including both men and women, rather than being understood as a gender-specific term equal to man as interpreted by scholars. This understanding of da zhangfu as a generic term is a critique of both the androcentric use of masculine pronouns in Chinese Buddhist scriptures as well as scholars’ use of textual scripture to overlook real practices in society. Second, drawing from my fieldwork of Taiwanese Buddhist nuns in Dharma Drum Mountain as a case study, I argue that Chan Buddhist nuns in contemporary Taiwan have an even more radical gender identity; that is, to become a da zhangfu that is neither man nor woman but is beyond dualistic form — the pedagogy of prajñā, the absence of doer, and “mind free from particularization” (wu fenbie xin 無分別心 ) in Chan Buddhism. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 65 二、禪佛教中的性別議題 67 三、女性主義語言哲學批判:「大丈夫」是男的嗎? 71 四、臺灣修禪女性的「超越二元性」性別意識 78 五、結語:方法論上的反思 83 參考文獻 86 英文摘要 89 |
Hits | 337 |
Created date | 2016.08.25 |
Modified date | 2021.08.05 |

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