意義的生成初探 -- 以江味農《金剛經講義》為例=A Preliminary Study on the Processing of Meanings of Text, Using "A Note of the Diamond Sutra" by Jiang Wei Nong as an Illustrating Example. |
Author |
Date | 2016.06 |
Pages | 344 |
Location | null |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 法鼓文理學院 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 謝清俊 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 多義=ambiguity; 意義的生成=derivation of meaning; 意義的理解=understanding of meaning; 情境=context; 意義單位=unit of meaning; 知識本體=ontology; 內容標誌=content markup; 人機共構系統=human-machine system |
Abstract | 本論文研究主題屬於人文資訊學領域。人文資訊學始於對人的關懷,是從整個人類文明的發展,去探討資訊科技對人的影響。人文資訊學的研究,首先要看到人文研究的核心;然後,從人文的角度去思考,理解人文的需求,找出新的方法論,作為電腦處理意義的理論架構,從而能將古往今來人文學者所理解的豐富文化資產和見解,建構在電腦中,形成有系統的知識本體,以期幫助人類文明走向另一個新的境界。 本論文從人文領域最關懷的主題之一「意義和理解」的理論下手,到跨入電腦處理意義的探究,嘗試用質的研究法,從讀者(筆者)對《金剛經講義》的理解過程,找出意義的生成形式,以作為意義的生成研究及發展意義處理系統的一個參考,並提供人文學者從另一個角度和觀點去思考文獻的意義。以下概要說明本論文的各章重點。 第一章緒論。說明論文的研究背景與研究動機、研究目的與研究的問題、研究範圍、研究方法及研究流程。 第二章文獻探討及附錄一、二。整理佛學、文獻學、釋義學、符號學、語言學及資訊科技等文獻對意義及理解的探討,作為本研究的理論基礎。 第三章《金剛經講義》的理解與意義的生成形式及附錄三至七。應用第二章整理的理論和方法,來理解《金剛經講義》,及找出四類意義的生成形式:科判、名相釋義(名相的分類、名相的多義)、情境指涉(意義單位間的關連、文句間的關連)、聯想(互文、文義思考問答)和相關的內容標誌。 第四章輔助讀經系統雛型的介面構想與系統實作示範及附錄八。說明對系統介面的需求及在系統雛型上的實作。筆者構想的輔助讀經系統雛型,是一個人機共構的開放式系統,在讀者介面設計的智慧光閱讀小幫手工具,則是將第三章找到的意義的生成形式,設計成內容架構、字詞釋義、互為文本、情境指涉及文義思考等五個理解意義的方式。希望讀者在研讀佛典時,可以藉由閱讀小幫手的協助,對佛典產生更深入的理解。 第五章結論及後續研究。總結前述,並提出後續研究的方向。 本研究對意義的生成,在理論和實務上作了初步的實踐:意義的生成研究理論的建構、從文本中找到一些意義的生成形式及可表達意義和情境的內容標誌,並作為意義有關的超聯繫;利用科判節點劃分意義單位及建置文本意義的基本知識結構;將各種超聯繫作有系統的整理,理出超聯繫的層次結構和種類,以便日後數位化時,系統可以有效的管理和利用超聯繫;與資訊專家合作開發輔助讀經系統雛型及易用的使用介面,完成研究範圍內的意義處理和檢索。 希冀未來有更多的研究者能投入漢語文獻意義的生成及情境表達的研究,並與資訊專家合作發展人機共構系統,設計出一個易用的使用介面,讓人文學者可以很方便的將對意義的理解及真知灼見,表達給電腦知道。相信不久的將來,電腦將可匯集大量的人文知識,成為一種嶄新形式的人工智能。
This thesis is a study in Humanity Informatics, a discipline considering humankind and the influence of informatics thereupon from the perspective of human civilization in its entirety. Research in this field identifies central issues in the humanities, understands what are needed, and proposes new methodologies for computers to process meanings. In this way, an abundance of cultural assets - as well as how they have been understood and elaborated by humanities scholars through the ages - can be built in computers and formed into a systematic ontology, bringing human culture to another horizon. The current study first surveys various theories of “meaning and understanding,” which constitutes one of the most intriguing topics in the humanities, and then explores how the computer processes meanings. Adopting a qualitative approach, this research attempts to identify the contextual forms from which meanings can be derived, with the author’s own understanding of “A Note of the Diamond Sutra” as an illustrating example. These contextual forms are then used to analyze the derivation of meaning in general and to develop a meaning-processing system, which will provide humanities scholars with a new perspective on meanings of text. Below are the summaries of each chapter in this thesis. Chapter 1: Introduction. The first section in this chapter covers the background of and motivation for the research, while later sections describe the purpose, questions, scope, and methodology of the research. A flow chart of the research process is provided in the last section. Chapter 2: Literature review. This chapter (with Appendices I and II) reviews the literature on meaning and understanding from various disciplines, including Buddhism, bibliography, hermeneutics, semiotics, linguistics, and informatics. These discussions will form the theoretical framework of the current study. Chapter 3: The understanding of “A Note of the Diamond Sutra” and the contextual forms from which meanings can be derived. This chapter (with Appendices III-VII) applies the theories mentioned in Chapter 2 to the understanding of “A Note of the Diamond Sutra” and identifies four contextual forms from which meanings can be derived: *Kepan, which means ‘chapter division and outline of a Buddhist sutra’ *Terminology explanation, which involves classification and ambiguity *Cross-referencing within the same text, including cross-referencing between paragraphs that can each form a unit of meaning on its own and cross-referencing between sentences *Association, via the intercontextuality among different versions and translations of the same text, or via additional comprehension questions (with answers) designed to facilitate readers’ understanding Each contextual form has its respective content markup. Chapter 4: |
Hits | 206 |
Created date | 2016.09.10 |
Modified date | 2016.09.19 |
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