梵本《大乘莊嚴經論》供養、師事(17品.1-16偈)譯注與考察=An Exegesis and Inquiry of Verses 1-16—about Worship, Service—in Chapter 17 of the Sanskrit Text Mahayana-Sutralamkara |
Author |
釋惠敏 (撰)=Huimin, Bhikkhu (compose)
Source |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
Volume | n.78 |
Date | 2016.09.25 |
Pages | 5 - 69 |
Publisher | 正觀雜誌社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者釋惠敏為法鼓文理學院教授、台北藝術大學名譽教授。 2016/3/17收稿,2016/7/8審稿。 本論文曾發表於2015.12.18第七屆印度學研討會(台北:政治大學主辦)。 投稿後,感謝匿名審查人的寶貴意見,讓拙文的品質提升。 |
Keyword | 供養=Worship; 師事=Service; 八苦詞=eight relative-pronoun resolution=yapadesa; 虛空藏等三昧=the meditation of void store etc.=gaganaganjadi-samadhi |
Abstract | 梵本《大聖莊嚴經論》是古典梵文佛教唯識哲學兼文學文獻 Mahayana-Sutralamkara,於唐朝貞觀 4 年至 6 年(630-632)間,波羅頗迦羅蜜多羅(Prabhakaramitra, 565-633)漢譯為《大乘莊嚴經論》(T31, no. 1604),但是不易解讀,有依據梵本重新翻譯的需要,並且嘗試處理一些難解或異解之處。本文將梵文《大聖莊嚴經論》17品之供養、師事(第1-16偈)部分與唐朝漢譯《莊嚴經論》比對以及中文譯注,並且從菩薩行的立場,探究從《菩薩地》到無著(Asanga)之《莊嚴經論》與安慧(Sthiramati)之注述(Sutralamkara-vrtti-bhasya)之間,其「供養、師事」的議題如何開展?以了解瑜珈行派之諸論師的注釋方法與漢譯之「八苦詞(yapadesa)」相關議題,以及與菩薩行相關之「虛空藏等三昧」的議題。
This paper will compare the Sanskrit text Mahayanasutralamkara (chapter 17, verse no. 1-16) with the Chinese translation Zhuangyanjing lun (translated by Prabhakaramitra, C.E. 565-633; chapter 18, 5 verses; chapter 19, 7 verses) on "Explanation of worshiping Buddhas" and "Explanation of Serving Good Friends and Teachers", and gives Chinese annotation to the relevant verses in the Sanskrit original. It will also discuss how the meaning of worship, service developed from in the Bodhisattvabhumi to the Mahayanasutralamkara and Sutralamkara-vrtti-bhasya (the Commentariy written by Sthiramati), and the topic concerning whether these passages were written in the sentence pattern of "eight relative-pronoun resolution" (yapadesa) and "the meditation of void store etc." (gaganaganjadi-samadhi) related to perfections of giving, and the rest (etc., adi) might refer to "the meditation of cavitation (akasikarana). |
Table of contents | 壹、前言 7 貳、梵本《莊嚴經論》17「供養」譯注與比對 19 參、梵本《莊嚴經論》17「師事」譯注與比對 35 肆、結語 50 參考文獻 64 |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
Hits | 647 |
Created date | 2016.10.14 |
Modified date | 2017.09.07 |

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