Author |
Nyanaponika Thera (編纂)
Edition | BPS Online Edition |
Date | 1966 |
Pages | 124 |
Publisher | Buddhist Publication Society |
Publisher Url |
Location | Kandy, Sri Lanka [康堤, 斯里蘭卡] |
Series | Wheel Publication |
Series No. | 90/92 |
Content type | 書籍=Book |
Language | 英文=English |
Note | Compiled and translated from the Pāli texts by Nyanaponika Thera
Table of contents | Table of Contents The Life of Sariputta 2 Prologue 3 Part I. From Birth to the Attainment of Arahatship 6 . Maturity of Insight 21 Friendships 21 The Helper 29 Attainment 35 The Turner of the Wheel 40 The Elder’s Relatives 56 The Unresentful 59 Part III. The Further Shore 70 The Last Debt Paid 70 Cunda Sutta 83 Ukkacela Sutta 89 Part IV. Discourses of Sariputta 92 Majjhima Nikaya 92 No. 3: Heirs of Dhamma (Dhammadayada Sutta) 92 No. 5: Without Blemishes (Anangana Sutta) 93 No. 9: Right Understanding (Samma-ditthi Sutta) 93 No. 28: The Greater Discourse on the Elephant Footprint Simile (Maha-hatthipadopama Sutta) 93 No 43: The Greater Discourse on Explanations (Maha-vedalla Sutta) 93 No. 69: Discourse to Gulissani (Gulissani Sutta) 94 No. 97: Discourse to Dhanañjani (Dhanañjani Sutta) 94 No. 114: To Be Practiced and Not To Be Practiced (Sevitabbasevitabba Sutta) 94 No. 143: Discourse to Anathapindika (Anathapindikovada Sutta) 95 Digha Nikaya 96 No. 28: Faith-Inspiring Discourse (Sampasadaniya Sutta) 96 Anguttara Nikaya 96 Samyutta Nikaya 101 Nidana Samyutta 101 Khandha Samyutta 102 Sariputta Samyutta 102 Salayatana Samyutta 103 Jambukhadaka Samyutta 104 Indriya Samyutta 104 Sotapatti Samyutta 104 Part V. Sariputta in the Jatakas 105 Appendix. Relics of Sariputta and Maha Moggallana 110 Notes 116
ISSN | 00497541 (P) |
Hits | 341 |
Created date | 2017.03.08 |
Modified date | 2022.03.14 |

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